Code of Virginia

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Chapter 29.
Medicine and Other Healing Arts
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  • Article 4.
    Licensure and Certification of Other Practitioners of the Healing Arts
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  • § 54.1-2942
    § 54.1-2949
    License required
    § 54.1-2950
    Requisite training and educational achievements of assistants
    § 54.1-2950.1
    Advisory Board on Physician Assistants; membership; qualifications
    § 54.1-2951
    § 54.1-2951.1
    Requirements for licensure and practice as a physician assistant; licensure by endorsement
    § 54.1-2951.2
    Issuance of a license
    § 54.1-2951.3
    Restricted volunteer license for certain physician assistants
    § 54.1-2951.4
    Exception to physician assistant license requirement; physician assistant student
    § 54.1-2952
    Role of patient care team physician or patient care team podiatrist on patient care teams; services that may be performed by physician assistants; responsibility of licensee; employment of physician assistants
    § 54.1-2952.1
    Prescription of certain controlled substances and devices by licensed physician assistants
    § 54.1-2952.2
    When physician assistant signature accepted
    § 54.1-2953
    Renewal, revocation, suspension, and refusal
    § 54.1-2953.1
    PA Licensure Compact
    § 54.1-2954
    Respiratory therapist; definition
    § 54.1-2954.1
    Powers of Board concerning respiratory care
    § 54.1-2955
    Restriction of titles
    § 54.1-2956
    Advisory Board on Respiratory Care; appointment; terms; duties; etc.
    § 54.1-2956.01
    Exceptions to respiratory therapist's licensure
    § 54.1-2956.1
    Powers of Board concerning occupational therapy
    § 54.1-2956.2
    Advisory Board of Occupational Therapy
    § 54.1-2956.3
    Advisory Board of Occupational Therapy; composition; appointment
    § 54.1-2956.4
    Advisory Board of Occupational Therapy; powers
    § 54.1-2956.5
    Unlawful to practice occupational therapy without license
    § 54.1-2956.6
    § 54.1-2956.7:1
    Occupational Therapy Interjurisdictional Licensure Compact
    § 54.1-2956.8
    Advisory Board on Radiological Technology; appointments; terms; etc.
    § 54.1-2956.8:1
    Unlawful to practice radiologic technology without license; unlawful designation as a radiologist assistant, radiologic technologist, or radiologic technologist, limited; Board to regulate radiologist assistants and radiologic technologists
    § 54.1-2956.8:2
    Requisite training and educational achievements of radiologist assistants, radiologic technologists, and radiologic technologists, limited
    § 54.1-2956.9
    Unlawful to practice acupuncture without license; unlawful designation as acupuncturist; Board to regulate acupuncturists
    § 54.1-2956.10
    Requisite training and educational achievements of acupuncturists
    § 54.1-2956.11
    Advisory Board on Acupuncture; composition; appointment
    § 54.1-2956.12
    Registered surgical technologist; use of title; registration
    § 54.1-2956.13
    Licensure of surgical assistant; practice of surgical assisting; use of title
    § 54.1-2956.14
    Advisory Board on Surgical Assisting; appointments; terms; duties
    § 54.1-2957
    Licensure and practice of advanced practice registered nurses
    § 54.1-2957.001
    Restricted volunteer license for advanced practice registered nurses
    § 54.1-2957.01
    Prescription of certain controlled substances and devices by licensed advanced practice registered nurses
    § 54.1-2957.02
    When advanced practice registered nurse signature accepted
    § 54.1-2957.03
    Certified nurse midwives; required disclosures; liability
    § 54.1-2957.04
    Licensure as a licensed certified midwife; practice as a licensed certified midwife; use of title; required disclosures
    § 54.1-2957.1
    § 54.1-2957.4
    Licensure as athletic trainer required; requisite training and educational requirements; powers of the Board concerning athletic training
    § 54.1-2957.5
    Advisory Board on Athletic Training established; duties; composition; appointment; terms
    § 54.1-2957.6
    Exceptions to athletic trainer licensure
    § 54.1-2957.7
    Licensed midwife and practice of midwifery; definitions
    § 54.1-2957.8
    Licensure of midwives; requisite training and educational requirements; fees
    § 54.1-2957.9
    Regulation of the practice of midwifery
    § 54.1-2957.10
    Advisory Board on Midwifery established; membership; duties; terms
    § 54.1-2957.11
    Requirements for disclosure
    § 54.1-2957.12
    § 54.1-2957.13
    § 54.1-2957.14
    Advisory Board on Polysomnographic Technology; appointment; terms; duties
    § 54.1-2957.15
    Unlawful to practice as a polysomnographic technologist without a license
    § 54.1-2957.16
    Licensure of behavior analysts and assistant behavior analysts; requirements; powers of the Board
    § 54.1-2957.17
    Exceptions to licensure requirements
    § 54.1-2957.18
    Advisory Board on Behavior Analysis
    § 54.1-2957.19
    Genetic counseling; regulation of the practice; license required; licensure; temporary license
    § 54.1-2957.20
    § 54.1-2957.21
    § 54.1-2957.22
    Advisory Board on Genetic Counseling established; membership; terms
  • Article 5.
    Approval of Educational Programs
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  • § 54.1-2958
    Procedure for determining acceptability of foreign courses of study and educational institutions
    § 54.1-2959
    Supervised training programs; students enrolled in schools of medicine or chiropractic schools allowed to engage in certain activities; prohibition of unauthorized pelvic exams
    § 54.1-2960
    Medical students in hospitals
    § 54.1-2961
    (For expiration date, see Acts 2023, cc. 756 and 778, cl. 5) Interns and residents in hospitals
    § 54.1-2961
    (For effective date, see Acts 2023, cc. 756 and 778, cl. 5) Interns and residents in hospitals
  • Article 6.
    General Standards of Practice
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  • § 54.1-2962
    Division of fees among physicians prohibited
    § 54.1-2962.01
    Anatomic pathology services; fees
    § 54.1-2962.1
    Solicitation or receipt of remuneration in exchange for referral prohibited
    § 54.1-2962.2
    Physician-patient relationship; effect of certain emergency department treatment
    § 54.1-2963
    Selling vitamins or food supplements in connection with a practice of the healing arts
    § 54.1-2963.1
    Disclosure of medical treatment options
    § 54.1-2963.2
    § 54.1-2964
    Disclosure of interest in referral facilities and clinical laboratories
    § 54.1-2965
    § 54.1-2966
    Physicians reporting disabilities to aircraft pilots licensing authorities exempt from liability; testifying in certain proceedings
    § 54.1-2966.1
    § 54.1-2967
    Physicians and others rendering medical aid to report certain wounds
    § 54.1-2968
    Information about certain individuals with disabilities
    § 54.1-2969
    Authority to consent to surgical and medical treatment of certain minors
    § 54.1-2970
    Medical treatment for certain persons incapable of giving informed consent
    § 54.1-2970.1
    Individual incapable of making informed decision; procedure for physical evidence recovery kit examination; consent by minors
    § 54.1-2971
    § 54.1-2971.01
    Prescription in excess of recommended dosage in certain cases
    § 54.1-2971.1
    Disclosure for certain treatment of infertility
    § 54.1-2972
    When person deemed medically and legally dead; determination of death; nurses', licensed practical nurses', physician assistants', or advanced practice registered nurses' authority to pronounce death under certain circumstances
    § 54.1-2973
    Persons who may authorize postmortem examination of decedent's body
    § 54.1-2973.1
    Practice of laser hair removal
  • Article 7.
    Sexual Sterilization
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  • § 54.1-2974
    Sterilization operations for persons 18 years or older capable of informed consent
    § 54.1-2975
    Sterilization operations for certain children incapable of informed consent
    § 54.1-2976
    Sterilization operations for certain adults incapable of informed consent
    § 54.1-2977
    Standards for court-authorized sterilization of certain persons
    § 54.1-2978
    Reports of certain sterilizations
    § 54.1-2979
    No liability for nonnegligent performance of operation
    § 54.1-2980
    Article inapplicable to certain medical or surgical treatment
  • Article 8.
    Health Care Decisions Act
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  • § 54.1-2981
    Short title
    § 54.1-2982
    § 54.1-2983
    Procedure for making advance directive; notice to physician
    § 54.1-2983.1
    Participation in health care research
    § 54.1-2983.2
    Capacity; required determinations
    § 54.1-2983.3
    Exclusions and limitations of advance directives
    § 54.1-2984
    Suggested form of written advance directives
    § 54.1-2985
    Revocation of an advance directive
    § 54.1-2985.1
    Injunction; court-ordered health care
    § 54.1-2986
    Procedure in absence of an advance directive; procedure for advance directive without agent; no presumption; persons who may authorize health care for patients incapable of informed decisions
    § 54.1-2986.1
    Duties and authority of agent or person identified in § 54.1-2986
    § 54.1-2986.2
    Health care decisions in the event of patient protest
    § 54.1-2987
    Transfer of patient by physician who refuses to comply with advance directive or health care decision
    § 54.1-2987.1
    Durable Do Not Resuscitate Orders
    § 54.1-2988
    Immunity from liability; burden of proof; presumption
    § 54.1-2988.1
    Assistance with completing and executing advance directives
    § 54.1-2989
    Willful destruction, concealment, etc., of declaration or revocation; penalties
    § 54.1-2989.1
    Failure to deliver advance directive
    § 54.1-2990
    Medically unnecessary health care not required; procedure when physician refuses to comply with an advance directive or a designated person's health care decision; mercy killing or euthanasia prohibited
    § 54.1-2991
    Effect of declaration; suicide; insurance; declarations executed prior to effective date
    § 54.1-2992
    Preservation of existing rights
    § 54.1-2993
    § 54.1-2993.1
    Qualified advance directive facilitators; requirements for training programs
  • Article 9.
    Advance Health Care Directive Registry
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  • § 54.1-2994
    Advance Health Care Directive Registry established
    § 54.1-2995
    Filing of documents with the registry; regulations; fees
    § 54.1-2996
    Validity of unregistered documents
  • Article 10.
    Direct Primary Care Agreements
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  • § 54.1-2997
    Direct primary care agreements
    § 54.1-2998
    Direct primary care agreement requirements; disclosures; disclaimer