Select a publication where you want your notice to appear

Click on the publication below to select where you want your notice to appear. Your selection will appear in the summary to the right.

Publishes daily Tuesday through Friday plus Sunday

Publishes daily Tuesday through Friday plus Sunday

Publishes daily Sunday through Friday

Publishes daily Sunday through Friday

Publishes daily Sunday through Friday

Publishes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday

Publishes daily Sunday through Friday

Publishes daily Sunday through Friday

Publishes daily Tuesday through Saturday

Publishes daily Tuesday through Friday plus Sunday

Publishes Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

Publishes daily Monday through Saturday

& York Dispatch

York Daily Record and York Dispatch are an exclusive bundle. When choosing this selection, you will be asked to add submission dates for both publications in a following step. To submit for other publications, complete a separate transaction.

- York Daily Record: Publishes Sunday through Friday
- York Dispatch: Publishes Monday through Friday

Publishes Tuesday and Thursday

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