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Testifying Before Legislative Committees


Public Testimony Overview

Idaho has an open legislative process. All committee action on Administrative Rules and legislation that has been assigned a bill number is conducted in open session. Once one of the above items has been introduced, it is assigned to a standing committee for study and consideration. The committee Chairman determines when it is scheduled for a hearing. Public testimony is permitted at most committee meetings.

Remote Testimony Registration

Links to register to testify remotely are available on the committee agenda and on the committee webpage, please select the committee of interest available from the following links. Once on the committee webpage click on the meeting agenda or the Testimony Registration tab.
Senate Committees –
House Committees

At the time of registration, you will be required to provide the following information; please have this information available before starting the registration process.

  • First and last name.
  • Email and physical address.
  • What organization you are representing, if any.
  • Whether your are testifying in-person or virtually.
  • Whether your are “For” or “Against” the legislation.

Information provided will be available to the public.  Please read our privacy policy at the following link:

If testifying remotely by phone, please include the phone number you will be calling from when registering.

Written testimony is not required.  You may, however, submit written testimony if you desire to do so.

Remote Testimony Meeting Protocols

Those wishing to testify remotely must use the registration form.  The committee chair may limit the amount of time allotted for each individual’s testimony as well as the time allotted for the testimony during the committee meeting.  The chair will, however, make reasonable efforts to give individuals testifying remotely the same amount of time allotted to individuals testifying in-person.

Registering to testify does not constitute a guarantee that registrants will be permitted to testify if the committee chair determines that public testimony must be limited.  The chair will, however, make reasonable efforts to provide equal opportunities for in-person and remote testimony, and remote testimony will be given the same weight as in-person testimony.

Registrants may not be able to testify if there are technical issues preventing communication between their remote location and the Statehouse.  Due to this possibility, written testimony is recommended at the time of registration.

AT ALL TIMES, registrants and visitors are required to maintain proper committee protocols.  Registrants who choose not to follow the rules for public testimony established by the committee chair will forfeit their opportunity to testify.

Committee meetings can often be delayed or rescheduled and there is no guarantee an item will be heard when originally scheduled.  The committee chair will strive to prevent these circumstances; however, there are often situations beyond the chair’s control.

Demonstrations, applause, clapping, and signage is prohibited during a committee meeting. You may be asked to leave by the committee chairman if you participate in disruptive activities.

ASL interpreters are available via Zoom for assistance if needed, for scheduling please contact the Legislative Information Center by phone or email.
Local#: 208-332-1000,  Toll Free#: 800-626-0471,  Deaf and hard of hearing#: 800-626-0471.  Email: [email protected].  Please note 24 hours’ notice is required and is subject to availability via the contracted interpreter service.

For more information on testifying before a Legislative Committee and committee protocols –

Remote Testimony Help

If you are having difficulties registering or participating remotely, please email: [email protected]  or call (208) 332-1292.

In Person Testimony

ASL interpreters are available when needed, please contact our Legislative Information Center to schedule.  (24 hours’ notice is required to secure an interpreter and is subject to availability via the contracted interpreter service).

If a member of the public requires assistance navigating the building, or requires help with assistive technology aids while testifying in committee, staff located in the Legislative Information Center are available to help.

More information on testifying before a Legislative Committee and committee protocols can be found at the following link:

Other Available Assistance

Closed captioning is available, through a partnership with Idaho Public Television (“IPTV”).  The Legislative Services Office provides a live stream of all Standing Committee meetings and Chamber sessions of the House and the Senate.  All of the streaming services and television broadcasts of the Legislative Session provide for closed captioning.  Calendars for Chamber Sessions and Agendas for Committee Meetings can be found at the following link:

Written testimony is an alternative to in-person and remote testimony, please email your written testimony to the committee secretary.  Committee secretary email addresses are available on the committee webpage at the following links:
Senate Committees –
House Committees

  • Accessible seating will be made available upon request at the committee room.  Please make the request to security personnel or the committee page.
  • A wheelchair and electric scooter are available for public use and can be reserved at the Legislative Information Center.
  • Assisted Listening Devices are available at Capitol security stations located throughout the Capitol.
  • Screen readers and other adaptive technology are compatible with the Idaho Legislature’s website.

Legislative Information Center Contact:

E-mail[email protected]

Phone Numbers:

Local: 208-332-1000
Toll Free: 800-626-0471
Deaf and hard of hearing: 800-626-0471