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Learn how to get the most out of Mailchimp's free, integrated websites.

Business Tips

How to convert website visitors into customers

Learn 5 ways your e‑commerce store can drive conversions and increase loyalty.

Drive Website Traffic

Build a Website

  • Business Tips

    How to Build a Great Website

    Building a website can be complicated, so read this guide to learn how to build a great website that attracts visitors, generates leads, and boosts sales.

  • Business Tips

    How to Launch a Website

    Use this 10-step checklist to create a website that expresses who you are and supports your business success.

    13 min read

  • Marketing Glossary

    Domain Name

    A domain or domain name is what comes between the @ in your email address and the .com, .org, .net, etc. (For example, [email protected].) Domains help your customers find and remember where your business is located on the internet.


    6 Ways to Get More Conversions on Your Landing Page

    Use these tips to catch your customers’ attention and spur them into action.

    4 min read

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Product Advice

How to Design a Beautiful Website

You don’t have to be a designer to create a professional, attractive website that communicates your brand value to your target audience.


Analyze Website Performance