capsh(1) — Linux manual page


CAPSH(1)                      User Commands                     CAPSH(1)

NAME         top

       capsh - capability shell wrapper

SYNOPSIS         top

       capsh [OPTION]...

DESCRIPTION         top

       Linux capability support and use can be explored and constrained
       with this tool. This tool provides a handy wrapper for certain
       types of capability testing and environment creation. It also
       provides some debugging features useful for summarizing
       capability state.

OPTIONS         top

       capsh takes a number of optional arguments, acting on them in the
       order they are provided. They are as follows:

       --help Display the list of commands supported by capsh.

              Display prevailing capability and related state.

              Display prevailing capability state, 1e capabilities and
              IAB vector.

       -- [args]
              Execute /bin/bash with trailing arguments. Note, you can
              use -c 'command to execute' for specific commands.

       -+ [args]
              Uses cap_launch(3) to fork a child to execute the shell.
              When the child exits, capsh exits with the status of the
              child or 1 in the case that the child was terminated by a

       == [args]
              Execute capsh again with the remaining arguments. Useful
              for testing exec() behavior. Note, PATH is searched when
              the running capsh was found via the shell's PATH
              searching. If the exec occurs after a --chroot=/some/path
              argument the PATH located binary may not be resolve to the
              same binary as that running initially. This behavior is an
              intended feature as it can complete the chroot transition.

       =+ [args]
              Uses cap_launch(3) to fork a child to re-execute capsh.
              When this child exits, capsh exits with the status of the
              child or 1 in the case that the child was terminated by a

              Set the prevailing process capabilities to those specified
              by cap-set.  Where cap-set is a text-representation of
              capability state as per cap_from_text(3).

              Remove the listed capabilities from the prevailing
              bounding set. The capabilities are a comma-separated list
              of capabilities as recognized by the cap_from_name(3)
              function. Use of this feature requires that capsh is
              operating with CAP_SETPCAP in its effective set.

              Set the inheritable set of capabilities for the current
              process to equal those provided in the comma separated
              list. For this action to succeed, the prevailing process
              should already have each of these capabilities in the
              union of the current inheritable and permitted capability
              sets, or capsh should be operating with CAP_SETPCAP in its
              effective set.

              Assume the identity of the named user. That is, look up
              the user's UID and GID with getpwuid(3) and their group
              memberships with getgrouplist(3) and set them all using
              cap_setuid(3) and cap_setgroups(3).  Following this
              command, the effective capabilities will be cleared, but
              the permitted set will not be, so the running program is
              still privileged.

       --mode Display the prevailing libcap mode as guessed by the
              cap_get_mode(3) function.

              Force the program into a cap_set_mode(3) security mode.
              This is a set of securebits and prevailing capability
              arrangement recommended for its pre-determined security

              Lists all of the libcap modes supported by --mode=<mode>.

              Confirm that the prevailing mode is that specified in
              <mode>, or exit with a status 1.

              Force all UID values to equal id using the setuid(2)
              system call. This argument may require explicit
              preparation of the effective set.

              use the cap_setuid(3) function to set the UID of the
              current process. This performs all preparations for
              setting the UID without dropping capabilities in the
              process. Following this command the prevailing effective
              capabilities will be lowered.

              Exit with status 1 unless the current UID equals <id>.

              Force all GID values to equal id using the setgid(2)
              system call.

              Exit with status 1 unless the current GIQ equals <id>.

              Set the supplementary groups to the numerical list
              provided. The groups are set with the setgroups(2) system
              call. See --user for a more convenient way of doing this.

              In a non-pure capability mode, the kernel provides liberal
              privilege to the super-user. However, it is normally the
              case that when the super-user changes UID to some lesser
              user, then capabilities are dropped. For these situations,
              the kernel can permit the process to retain its
              capabilities after a setuid(2) system call. This feature
              is known as keep-caps support. The way to activate it
              using this program is with this argument. Setting the
              value to 1 will cause keep-caps to be active. Setting it
              to 0 will cause keep-caps to deactivate for the current
              process. In all cases, keep-caps is deactivated when an
              exec() is performed. See --secbitsand--mode for ways to
              disable this feature.

              Set the security-bits for the program.  This is done using
              the prctl(2) PR_SET_SECUREBITS operation.  The list of
              supported bits and their meaning can be found in the
              <sys/secbits.h> header file. The program will list these
              bits via the --print command.  The argument is expressed
              as a numeric bitmask, in any of the formats permitted by
              strtoul(3).  An alternative to this bit-twiddling is
              embedded in the --mode* commandline arguments.

              Execute the chroot(2) system call with the new root-
              directory (/) equal to path.  This operation requires
              CAP_SYS_CHROOT to be in effect.

              This command causes the program to fork a child process
              for so many seconds. The child will sleep that long and
              then exit with status 0. The purpose of this command is to
              support exploring the way processes are killable in the
              face of capability changes. See the --killit command. Only
              one fork can be active at a time.

              This commands causes a --forkfor child to be kill(2)d with
              the specified signal. The command then waits for the child
              to exit.  If the exit status does not match the signal
              being used to kill it, the capsh program exits with status

              Give a brief textual description of what privileges the
              specified capability makes available to a running program.
              Note, instead of cap_xxx, one can provide a decimal number
              and capsh will look up the corresponding capability's

              This option changes the shell that is invoked when the
              argument == is encountered.

              This option toggles the suppression of subsequent attempts
              to fixup --caps= and --inh= arguments. That is, when the
              prevailing Effective flag does not contain CAP_SETPCAP the
              to be raised Inheritable Flag values (in strict mode) are
              limited to those in the Permitted set. The strict mode
              defaults to off. Supplying this argument an even number of
              times restores this default behavior.

              Scan each of the textual descriptions of capabilities,
              known to capsh, and display all descriptions that include

              This is a convenience feature. If you look at
              /proc/1/status there are some capability related fields of
              the following form:

              CapInh:   0000000000000000
              CapPrm:   0000003fffffffff
              CapEff:   0000003fffffffff
              CapBnd:   0000003fffffffff
              CapAmb:   0000000000000000

              This option provides a quick way to decode a capability
              vector represented in this hexadecimal form.  Here's an
              example that decodes the two lowest capability bits:

              $ capsh --decode=3

              As the kernel evolves, more capabilities are added. This
              option can be used to verify the existence of a capability
              on the system. For example, --supports=cap_syslog will
              cause capsh to promptly exit with a status of 1 when run
              on kernel 2.6.27.  However, when run on kernel 2.6.38 it
              will silently succeed.

              Exit with status 1 unless the permitted vector has
              capability xxx raised.

              Performs a check to see if the running kernel supports
              ambient capabilities. If not, capsh exits with status 1.

              Exit with status 1 unless the ambient vector has
              capability xxx raised.

              Exit with status 1 unless the bounding vector has
              capability xxx in its (default) non-blocked state.

              Attempts to set the IAB tuple of inheritable capability
              vectors.  The text conventions used for xxx are those of

              Adds the specified ambient capability to the running

              Removes the specified ambient capability from the running

              Drops all ambient capabilities from the running process.

              Suppresses overriding of the HOME and USER environment
              variables when a subsequent --user argument is processed.

              This argument is ignored unless it is the first one. If
              present, it suppresses the capsh runtime check to confirm
              the running libcap is recent enough that it can name all
              of the kernel supported capability values.

EXIT STATUS         top

       Following successful execution, capsh exits with status 0.
       Following an error, capsh immediately exits with status 1.

AUTHOR         top

       Written by Andrew G. Morgan <[email protected]>.

REPORTING BUGS         top

       Please report bugs via:

SEE ALSO         top

       libcap(3), cap_from_text(3), cap_iab(3) capabilities(7),
       captree(8), getcap(8), getpcaps(8), and setcap(8).

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the libcap (capabilities commands and
       library) project.  Information about the project can be found at
       ⟨⟩.  If you
       have a bug report for this manual page, send it to
       [email protected] (please put "libcap" in the Subject line).
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on
       2024-06-14.  (At that time, the date of the most recent commit
       that was found in the repository was 2024-05-18.)  If you
       discover any rendering problems in this HTML version of the page,
       or you believe there is a better or more up-to-date source for
       the page, or you have corrections or improvements to the
       information in this COLOPHON (which is not part of the original
       manual page), send a mail to [email protected]

libcap                         2021-10-22                       CAPSH(1)

Pages that refer to this page: cap_get_proc(3)libcap(3)capabilities(7)getcap(8)getpcaps(8)setcap(8)