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Help and Support

Click for answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).

If you need help logging into the giving portal, click here to jump to question and answer #15. If you are still having problems creating or accessing your account, please complete the form at to contact the MCC Help Desk.

If you need donating help, click here to jump to directions under question #20. You can also find step-by-step giving instructions within the pages of the Giving Guide available here.

For all other questions, click here to find answers for donors and charities, including what to do if you move or change jobs, how to access your pledge history, how to search for a charity, and much more, including how to contact the Help Desk.

Contact Us

The Maryland Charity Campaign is managed by the Secretary of State’s Office.

If you have any questions or suggestions, contact the Office of the Secretary of State at 410-974-5534.

The Maryland Charity Campaign Office Staff:
Loraine Parks
[email protected]