Other Data Networks

This page contains links to miscellaneous IEM networks and standalone stations. The School-based Network is no longer collected and the Iowa Atmospheric Observatory equipment has been removed.

Agronomy Hall, ISU:

City of Ames

Stuart Smith Park Hydrology Learning Lab, Ames

These are four ground water monitoring wells and a stream gauge located at the Stuart Smith Park in Ames. These data are used by the Geology 100 class, but are freely available to others.

Download Stream Gage Data ("Bubbler")

Start Date:
End Date:

Download Ground Monitoring Well Data

Select Station(s):
Start Date:
End Date:

ISU Agronomy Hall - Purple Air Quality Sensor

Data is collected every minute since 26 April 2024. Values represent a two minute average.

Start Date:
End Date:


This data is provided by The National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment.

Start Date:
End Date:

Raw Data Download!

Select Location: Start Date:
End Date:

WMO BUFR Surface

During December 2023, the IEM started an ingest of surface data disseminated via NOAA in BUFR format. There are thousands of stations within this IEM classified network. The processing remains a work-in-progress, but you can download data and view a large network table or station map to see what is available.