Planning for Future Electric Vehicle Growth at Airports (2024) / Chapter Skim
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Pages 1-3

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From page 1...
... Annual EV sales have increased dramatically over the past decade; over 900,000 EVs were sold in 2022 in the United States, accounting for 8% of all new light‐duty vehicle (LDV) .1 Figure 1 shows historical EV sales and charger installations.
From page 2...
... For example, in California the Zero‐Emission Airport Shuttle Regulation requires 100% of airport shuttle operators at the 13 largest airports in the state to transition to 100% ZEVs by December 31, 2035, and all new shuttle vehicles purchased after 2023 must be ZEVs.7 As the number of EVs at airports scales, so does the demand for EV chargers -- and the demand for electricity. One recent estimate suggests that electricity demand at airports may double within ten years or less.8 Certain charger types in particular -- such as eGSE -- create large loads which can require extensive upgrades to the distribution system (Figure 2)
From page 3...
... Source: Consultant Team 3

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