Community Support, Partnerships, and Inclusive Environments for Black Students and Professionals in Science, Engineering, and Medicine Proceedings of a Workshop (2024) / Chapter Skim
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1 Introduction
Pages 1-8

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From page 1...
... Higher education institutions, medical schools, legislators, and corporations/foundations have a duty to foster community partnerships to ensure inclusive and sustainable environments for Black students in SEM. On September 19–20, 2022, the Roundtable on Black Men and Black Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened a virtual workshop to examine local, regional, and national opportunities to engage with and leverage community support and mutually beneficial partnerships that build inclusive environments for Black undergraduate, graduate, and medical students and increase the representation of Black professionals in SEM.
From page 2...
... Bias -- to address how racism and bias operate in crisis and identify mechanisms for intervention • Financing -- to address the financial barriers to higher education and the impact on students and families, address the financial crises that threaten education, and promote financial literacy • Stakeholder Engagement -- to determine how advocacy and public engagement can be utilized to bring issues to the forefront and to develop media and marketing strategies for increasing public awareness • Mentorship and Advising -- to build programs that are tailored to student needs and different styles of learning
From page 3...
... -- to examine COVID-19 as it has impacted the Black community and discuss it from a community standpoint, including academic medicine perspectives • Systemic Change to Overcome Psychological Barriers to Success -- to understand reactions to racism and environmental stressors, and psychological factors that contribute to the dearth of Black stu dents in SEM Over the past several years, Dr. Laurencin continued, the groups have organized numerous workshops, beginning with a workshop in April 2020 on the effects of racism and bias on Black people pursuing careers in SEM.
From page 4...
... Major objectives of the workshop include: 1. Identify community organizations that have demonstrated success in creating more inclusive higher educational environments through mutually beneficial partnerships, particularly with HBCUs [Historically Black Colleges and Universities]
From page 5...
... Anderson encouraged workshop participants to learn about the RJ&E committee's actions.2 One current effort is a tracking and linkage project. Linkages with universities and private companies are being developed to track the progress of Black and Hispanic students from high school to college and into the workforce.
From page 6...
... Anderson for setting up the workshop. She called attention to the recent images seen with the James Webb Space Telescope -- seeing far into space and back into time -- adding that program director Gregory Robinson was a Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)
From page 7...
... Chapter 3 brings together representatives of an academic medical center and community organizations to share ideas and best practices about involving the whole community in inclusive excellence. Chapter 4 adds the voices of students who are active in on-campus, community, and STEM-discipline organizations; Chapter 5 provides examples of how institutions can positively affect the trajectory of Black students; and Chapter 6 highlights a panel composed of four institutional leaders who shared their personal journeys and diversity, equity, and inclusion work at their institutions.
From page 8...
... The workshop agenda and biographical sketches of the speakers can be found in Appendix A and Appendix B, respectively. In accordance with the policies of the National Academies, workshop participants did not attempt to establish any conclusions or recommendations about needs and future directions, focusing instead on issues discussed by the speakers and workshop participants.

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