Modernizing Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation (2024) / Chapter Skim
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1 Need and Opportunity for a Modernized PMP Approach
Pages 11-13

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From page 11...
... , the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine has been tasked to critically assess the current procedures used to determine PMP and recommend an updated methodology. The National Academies convened a committee of 12 experts including hydrometeorologists, hydrologists, hydraulic engineers, PMP practitioners, atmospheric and climate scientists, and statisticians (Appendix A)
From page 12...
... Scientific advances that enable characterization of the statistical uncertainty of extreme precipitation estimates are detailed in Chapter 3. Finally, over the coming decades, dam and nuclear safety programs will grapple with the challenges posed by impacts of climate change.
From page 13...
... The report also contains the following appendices, which provide additional context for analyses and recommendations: • History and evolution of PMP definitions • Characteristics of dams in the United States • Criteria for modern PMP estimation The responses to the four main study tasks can be found in the following sections of this report: Task 1: Common Understanding of PMP. This task is principally addressed in Chapter 2.

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