Memorial Tributes Volume 16 (2012) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Pages 138-143

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
Select key terms on the right to highlight them within pages of the chapter.

From page 139...
... Dr. Kolff based his highly productive research career on collaborative research because he believed it to be the most effective way of achieving his goal of developing and exploiting the possibilities of artificial human organs as a means to "restore people to an enjoyable existence." Due to his groundbreaking work on the artificial kidney, millions of patients worldwide have benefited from lifesustaining hemodialysis.
From page 140...
... Dr. Kolff's presence at the University of Utah acted as a magnet to attract scientists from all over the world who were interested in artificial organ research, and under his leadership the university has since developed one of the world's leading artificial organ research centers.
From page 141...
... He spent summer vacations with his family traveling through the United States pulling a home-made trailer holding a boat, camping gear, and compartments to hold personal gear for each of his five children and their various friends. Any other free time was spent on the family's 125-acre tree farm, one hour outside of Cleveland, where many a Cleveland Clinic resident or fellow joined the family for painting, planting or chopping wood in exchange for hamburgers and hotdogs.
From page 142...
... He encouraged all of his children to pursue their own careers, yet three of them followed him into medicine and one into medical architecture.

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