Modernizing Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation (2024) / Chapter Skim
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Appendix E: R Code used in Report Figures 3-5 and 5-3
Pages 193-196

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From page 193...
... ## R version: 4.3.2 library(evd) # Version 2.3-6.1 ## Location and scale parameter estimates from GEV fit to GHCN daily ## precipitation data for for Berkeley, California, but qualitative ## results are similar for parameters from GEV fits for other US locations.
From page 194...
... { ## Calculates sample size needed to limit the standard error of the estimated ## return value (or upper bound) to `se_proportion` of the estimate, using ## the expected information matrix for the GEV distribution and the delta method ## to approximate the variance of the estimate as a function of the estimated ## parameters.
From page 195...
... % cov_mtx %* % grad_vec ## Invert to determine sample size.
From page 196...
... location <- 4.5 scale <- 1.5 shape <- 0 calc_sample_size(location, scale, shape, return_period = 10000, se_proportion = 0.125) ## Sample size for estimating upper bound.

This material may be derived from roughly machine-read images, and so is provided only to facilitate research.
More information on Chapter Skim is available.