Advancing Understanding of Offshore Oil and Gas Systemic Risk in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico Current State and Safety Reforms Since the Macondo Well–Deepwater Horizon Blowout (2023) / Chapter Skim
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Appendix C: Disclosure of Unavoidable Conflicts of Interest
Pages 221-222

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From page 221...
... Dwight Johnston has a conflict of interest in relation to his service on the Committee on Progress and Opportunities Toward Decreasing the Risk of Offshore Energy Operations because he serves as a consultant for clients in the oil and gas industry and has financial holdings in energy companies that exceed $10,000 in value. The National Academies have concluded that for this committee to accomplish the tasks for which it was established its membership must include at least one person who has current experience implementing safety management systems for the oil and gas industry.
From page 222...
... The National Academies have concluded that for this committee to accomplish the tasks for which it was established its membership must include at least one person who  has current experience in industry-led changes in drilling engineering and technology designed to decrease the systemic risks of offshore oil and gas operations. As described in his biographical summary, Mr.

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