Memorial Tributes Volume 22 (2019) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Pages 233-236

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 234...
... These included his dissertation, "A Wideband Frequency Discriminator Using Open and Shorted Stubs," and two highly influential papers: "Radar Accuracy and Resolution in a Multiple-Signal Environment" (published in 1964 by the Defense Technical Information Center) and "A Statistical Analysis of Multichannel Systems with Application to Broadband Microwave Frequency Discriminators." 235
From page 235...
... This success was rewarded by a very strong public offering and then, in 1987, Boeing decided to diversify into the electronic warfare field by buying ARGO, keeping Bill as CEO of the newly merged company. At the time ARGOSystems was recognized as one of America's leading electronic warfare companies and known for its integrity, financial stability, and professionalism, all a true reflection of Bill May.
From page 236...
... He is survived by Marka; sons Mike, Bob, and Jim, and daughter Mary Jo Hartshorn; daughters-in-law Romana May and Rosie May; and grandchildren Nick, Danielle, Chris, Thomas, Brooklin, Matt, Kyle, and Kelly.  He was a devoted husband, caring father and grandfather, talented engineer, excellent businessman, outstanding citizen, and man of complete integrity. His family, business colleagues, and friends, of whom he had many, all miss him.

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More information on Chapter Skim is available.