Memorial Tributes Volume 15 (2011) / Chapter Skim
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Herbert J. C. Kouts 1919-2008
Pages 252-255

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From page 253...
... C KOUTS 1919–2008 elected in 1978 "For contributions in nuclear engineering, especially physical principles and safety of nuclear power reactors and nuclear materials safeguards." COURTESY OF BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY sUBMiTTed By THe Nae HoMe secreTary HERBERT J
From page 254...
... in 1988 the ANS cited experiments at the HFBR in which "the data obtained have played a central role in the development and understanding of solutions to many problems in solid state physics, chemistry, and structural biology." In 1968, Kouts became the first head of the new Technical support organization at BNl, which was established to advise and assist the aec on nuclear safeguards. five years later, in 1973, he became the aec director of the division of reactor Safety Research.
From page 255...
... And he also loved to fix delicious meals for all of us! " A resident of Bellport, Herbert Kouts is survived by his wife Barbara; daughters catherine sigmon and anne golden; stepsons francis spitzer, Michael spitzer, and daniel spitzer; and nine grandchildren.

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