Memorial Tributes Volume 19 (2015) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Pages 253-258

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From page 254...
... DAVIS AND HAYWARD B OBLAD SUBMITTED BY THE NAE HOME SECRETARY ALEX GOLDEN OBLAD, an authority in the catalytic chemistry of petroleum refining and petrochemical production, died on September 19, 2000, at age 90.
From page 255...
... Coke formation deactivated the catalyst over time; using model compounds, Alex showed why and proposed operating under 100–250 psi of hydrogen pressure, an approach that prevented deactivation and greatly prolonged catalyst performance. Catalytic reforming produces toluene, the precursor of TNT and a critical component of aviation fuel for military aircraft.
From page 256...
... Alexander Mills, Heinz Heinemann, and Thomas H Milliken that unveiled the mechanism of bifunctional catalysis.1 In this stepwise reaction the dehydrogenating/hydrogenating metal forms a reactive intermediate, alkene, which diffuses to the other catalyst function, the acid site, and isomerizes to a higher-octane-value "Naphtha reforming involves dual functional catalysts: Mechanism 1  for reforming with these catalysts." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 45(1)
From page 257...
... The Kellogg ammonia process to which he contributed now accounts for a large portion of the world's enormous fertilizer capacity, and in 1967 the company was honored with the Kirkpatrick Chemical Engineering Achievement Award for its development of synthetic ammonia and other critical industrial chemical technologies. In 1972, after Nixon's historic trip to China, Kellogg received perhaps its greatest reward when the country placed consecutive orders for Kellogg ammonia plants.
From page 258...
... , the Faraday Society, AACS, and the International Congress of Catalysis, a founder of the Philadelphia Catalysis Club (predecessor of the North American Catalysis Society and the International Congress on Catalysis) and Rocky Mountain Fuel Society, and an active participant in the Gordon Conferences.

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