Memorial Tributes Volume 21 (2017) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Pages 282-285

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 282...
... Irene Fertik-USC
From page 283...
... He worked in his father's retail stores at a young age before earning his BS degree in mechanical engineering in 1945, and MS and PhD degrees in industrial engineering in 1946 and 1949, all from Purdue University. He began his professional career as a plant industrial engineer at Central Wisconsin Canneries before moving on to positions as vice president for general operations at Artcraft Manufacturing, member of the board of directors for Intertherm Co., and dozens of consulting assignments.
From page 284...
... He was a fellow of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and American Society for Engineering Education; and member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Engineering Management Society, Academy of Management, Institute for High-Performance Planners, and World Future Society.
From page 285...
... A strong contributor to his longevity was the combination of deep appreciation of technical and managerial concepts and a very active physical life -- he played singles tennis very well and kept it up into his 70s. He also enjoyed season tickets to the USC football games as well as theater and concert series in Los Angeles.

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