Memorial Tributes Volume 17 (2013) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Pages 30-35

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 31...
... MILES, ALEXANDER SMITS, AND SAU-HAI LAM SEYMOUR MOSES BOGDONOFF, Robert Porter Patterson Professor of Aeronautical Engineering Emeritus, died on January 10, 2005, his 84th birthday, at Helene Fuld Hospital, in Trenton, New Jersey, of injuries sustained in a fall in his home in Princeton. Professor Bogdonoff, known to many simply as "Boggy," was born in New York City in 1921.
From page 32...
... Boggy's interests were in supersonic and hypersonic aerodynamics -- highspeed flights that involve enormous mechanical and heat transfer loads on the vehicles and complex interactions with strong shock waves. Boggy pioneered this world and spent a lifetime exploring its challenges.
From page 33...
... He challenged the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission by bringing down from the back woods of Maine a vintage orange Citroën Deux Chevaux, a car that failed to meet almost all US safety standards, and he overcame all bureaucratic nightmares to drive it triumphantly to work. In his later years he worked to establish a driver education program for senior citizens.
From page 34...
... That legacy continues today, with the earlier researchers and students in turn training second, third, and fourth generations of aeronautical engineers. One can still go to such places as the Air Force Research Lab in Dayton, Ohio, or the von Karman Institute in Brussels, or DLR in Göttingen, and find wind tunnels that are copies of those designed by Boggy, run by people who were trained by him.
From page 35...
... , Zelda Bogdonoff (of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania) , and Alan Bogdonoff (of New London, Connecticut)

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