Memorial Tributes Volume 21 (2017) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Pages 304-309

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From page 305...
... in the US Naval Reserve on April 30, 1936, he transferred to the Navy's Civil Engineer Corps in the rank of commander in 1946 and subsequently advanced to rear admiral from 1957 until he retired in 1962. Reporting for active duty in July 1940, he served until July 1942 as assistant public works officer at the Naval Training Station in Great Lakes, Illinois, before a transfer to Boston, where he was senior assistant to the superintending civil engineer, Area I, until November 1944.
From page 306...
... He entered the private sector as vice president of the engineering firm of Sverdrup & Parcel and Associates, where he rose to become senior vice president (1964) , executive vice president (1966)
From page 307...
... . He also received the Naval Reserve Medal, American Defense Service Medal, American Campaign Medal, AsiaticPacific Campaign Medal with one engagement star, World War II Victory Medal, Navy Occupation Service Medal, and the National Defense Service Medal.
From page 308...
... He was also a director of the American Road Builders Association, senior vice president, and president of the Engineering Division. After 56 years of marriage, Lena died in August 1988.

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