Memorial Tributes Volume 20 (2016) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Pages 326-329

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From page 327...
... On leaving college he went into the nuclear industry and never looked back, making his mark as a world leader in that field and the related field of electric power. He started his career in nuclear power with the Kellex Corporation, but in 1952 moved to the Westinghouse Electric Corporation, where he held a series of increasingly responsible positions in nuclear power, in time becoming the vice president and general manager responsible for the corporation's nuclear power plant business.
From page 328...
... As John approached the mandatory retirement age for senior managers at Westinghouse, he was the general manager for all of Westinghouse's commercial nuclear power plants, and he was not ready to retire. So in 1981, after a remarkably distinguished career spanning 31 years, he left Westinghouse and went to the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
From page 329...
... He served as an unpaid consultant to the International Atomic Energy Agency and to several US government agencies, including the Department of Energy, and often testified to the Congress. John's modesty belied a lifetime of remarkable achievement serving his country.

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