Memorial Tributes Volume 19 (2015) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Pages 329-332

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From page 330...
... This consisted of alternating six-month stints studying at the university and receiving training in different industries -- the Coal Board, Esso, and the Caltex refinery in Bahrain. These experiences presaged the strong interactions between academic work and industrial applications that Jim fostered throughout his career.
From page 331...
... To Jim, diagnostic techniques were a means to understand and characterize turbulent flows, usually complex flows related to industrial applications. Through the thesis research of 85 PhD students, he investigated a huge range of flows and
From page 332...
... Jim initiated and led many activities to bring researchers together and to disseminate new findings. At Imperial College he ran many short courses on LDA and experimental methods; in 1977 he jointly initiated and organized the Turbulent Shear Flows Symposia, which ran successfully for 10 biennial meetings and then spawned the Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena meetings; and in 1983 he cofounded the journal Experiments in Fluids.

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