Memorial Tributes Volume 17 (2013) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Pages 330-336

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From page 331...
... Jack's first job was as a lieutenant in the US Air Force, working at the Rome Air Development Center in Rome, New York. At the same time, he was a part-time instructor at nearby Syracuse University, which offered graduate courses at the Griffiss Air Base where Jack was stationed.
From page 332...
... Over the course of his career Jack published more than 100 journal papers and was granted patents on 23 inventions in communications and storage technology, many of which were embodied in commercial products. Jack Wolf received many awards recognizing his technical contributions in the broad range of areas captured in the NAE citation: information theory, communication theory, magnetic recording, and engineering education.
From page 333...
... Jack Wolf's sustained contributions to the two engineering disciplines of digital communications and magnetic recording were recognized by major IEEE-level awards: the 1998 IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Technical Field Award, for "fundamental contributions to multiuser communications and applications of coding theory to magnetic data storage devices," and the 2004 IEEE Richard W Hamming Medal, for "fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of information transmission and storage." In 2005, he was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
From page 334...
... Jack Wolf is deeply missed by his family, friends, and colleagues, including his many students, past and present, affectionately known as the "Wolf Pack." What Jack brought to the classroom and research advising was much more than his gift and passion for teaching: he inspired generations of students to excel, to work hard and with integrity, and most of all to have fun in the process. He will be remembered for the friendship and support he and his wife Toby offered so freely, his smile and sense of humor, his vision and wisdom, his words of encouragement, and his contagious optimism.

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