Memorial Tributes Volume 21 (2017) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Pages 36-41

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From page 36...
... Wesley Swadley, Creative Photography, San Francisco
From page 37...
... Four years after the Santa Barbara earthquake, Blume enrolled at Stanford to study engineering and created a unique study plan -- a mix of courses in geology, architecture, and Reprinted with the permission of the John A Blume Earthquake   Engineering Center, Stanford University.
From page 38...
... In addition to the design of the Diablo Canyon plant, the firm provided earthquake engineering services to over 70 nuclear power plants in the United States, Japan, and Europe. Blume also served as a consultant to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and his firm monitored structural response to the underground nuclear weapons testing at the Nevada Test Site.
From page 39...
... He was also an elected fellow of the American Concrete Institute and the International Association of Earthquake Engineering. John Blume demonstrated boundless generosity, and his love for learning is best described in his own words: "I sincerely believe that the most important thing you have learned beyond the basic laws of nature, mechanics, and materials is to teach yourself." In the mid-1970s, troubled that Stanford, which once was the leader in structural dynamics research, did not have an earthquake engineering laboratory -- while Berkeley, Caltech, and Illinois, among others, had major laboratories in this field -- he helped establish and endowed the earthquake engineering center that bears his name.
From page 40...
... He is survived by his wife Jene, sister Beverly, nephew and nieces, a stepson, and two stepgranddaughters.

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