Memorial Tributes Volume 15 (2011) / Chapter Skim
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L. E. (Skip) Scriven 1931-2007
Pages 362-367

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From page 363...
... He worked as a research engineer for shell development company in emeryville, california, before joining the chemical engineering department at the University of Minnesota in 1959 as an assistant professor. in 1960 he received the allan colburn award of the american institute of chemical engineers.
From page 364...
... His research program was internationally renowned, focusing on coating and coating processes. The program excelled at combining experimental, theoretical, and computer modeling approaches in order to better understand industrial coating application processes.
From page 365...
... During his career he also made significant contributions to the fields of capillary hydrodynamics, enhanced oil recovery, colloid science, and the theory of interfacial phenomena. His most highly cited papers include analysis of the Marangoni effect (American Institute of Chemical Engineering Journal, 1959)
From page 366...
... H scriven graduate research fellowships in the chemical engineering and Materials science department of the college of science and engineering.

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