Active Traffic Management Strategies A Planning and Evaluation Guide (2024) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Pages 365-381

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From page 365...
From page 366...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics
From page 367...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics ATM Institutional Capability Assessment (Chapter 3 -- Enabling ATM) Capability Maturity Desired Level of Capability Current Level of Capability Model Dimension for ATM 1 -- Performed 1 -- Performed 2 -- Managed 2 -- Managed 3 -- Integrated 3 -- Integrated 4 -- Optimized 4 -- Optimized 1 -- Performed 1 -- Performed 2 -- Managed 2 -- Managed 3 -- Integrated 3 -- Integrated 4 -- Optimized 4 -- Optimized 1 -- Performed 1 -- Performed 2 -- Managed 2 -- Managed 3 -- Integrated 3 -- Integrated 4 -- Optimized 4 -- Optimized 1 -- Performed 1 -- Performed 2 -- Managed 2 -- Managed 3 -- Integrated 3 -- Integrated 4 -- Optimized 4 -- Optimized 1 -- Performed 1 -- Performed 2 -- Managed 2 -- Managed 3 -- Integrated 3 -- Integrated 4 -- Optimized 4 -- Optimized 1 -- Performed 1 -- Performed 2 -- Managed 2 -- Managed 3 -- Integrated 3 -- Integrated 4 -- Optimized 4 -- Optimized PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics
From page 368...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics ATM Feasibility and Screening Process (Chapter 4 -- Assessing Suitability of ATM) Category Feasibility/Screening Activity  Ensure ATM supports regional goals.
From page 369...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics ATM Goals and Objectives Selection Process (Chapter 4 -- Assessing Suitability of ATM) Process Step Goals/Objectives/Strategies  PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics
From page 370...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics ATM Regional Goals Checklist (Chapter 4 -- Assessing Suitability of ATM) High-Level Regional Goal Specific Regional Goal  Improve the safety of corridor travel.
From page 371...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics ATM Regional Goals of ATM Strategies (Chapter 4 -- Assessing Suitability of ATM) ATM Strategies Junction Control Adaptive Traffic Queue Warning Variable Speed Adaptive Ramp Dynamic Lane Dynamic Lane Signal Control Transit Signal Shoulder Use Use Control Part-Time Metering Dynamic Reversal Specific Regional Goal Priority Limits Improve the safety of corridor travel.
From page 372...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics ATM Regional Objectives of ATM Strategies (Chapter 4 -- Assessing Suitability of ATM) ATM Strategies Junction Control Adaptive Traffic Queue Warning Variable Speed Adaptive Ramp Dynamic Lane Dynamic Lane Signal Control Transit Signal Shoulder Use Use Control Part-Time Metering Dynamic Reversal Specific Regional Objective Priority Limits Increase vehicle-carrying capacity.
From page 373...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics ATM Desired Data Types for Preliminary ATM Screening (Chapter 4 -- Assessing Suitability of ATM) Data Types Specific Data Elements  PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics
From page 374...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Selection of ATM Performance Measures (Chapter 5 -- ATM Performance and Data) Measure Type Performance Measure  Travel Time Travel Time Index Transit Travel Time Total Delay, Vehicles Total Delay, Persons Delay per Vehicle Number of Transit Stops Customer Satisfaction Congested Travel Congested Time (Other)
From page 375...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Measure Type Performance Measure  Service Patrol Assists Clearance Time On-Scene Time Service Patrol Vehicles in Operation per Shift (Other) (Other)
From page 376...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics ATM Performance Measure Targets (Chapter 5 -- ATM Performance and Data) Measurable  Achievable  Relevant  Specific  Timely  Measure Target Definition PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics
From page 377...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics ATM Performance Measure Data Needs (Chapter 5 -- ATM Performance and Data) Spatial Extent Real Time  Historical  Frequency Temporal Source Extent Data PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics
From page 378...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics ATM AMS Data Needs (Chapter 6 -- Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation for ATM) Data Types ATM AMS Data Elements  Facility Type Capacity Segment Lengths Number of Lanes Roadway Curvature/Alignment Lane Merge/Diverge U-Turns (Other)
From page 379...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics ATM AMS Analysis Levels (Chapter 6 -- Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation for ATM) Microscopic Mesoscopic ATM Strategy Signal Optimization Tools Simulation Simulation Adaptive Ramp Metering Adaptive Traffic Signal -- Control Dynamic Junction -- - -- Control Dynamic Lane Reversal -- Dynamic Lane Use -- - -- Control Part-Time Shoulder Use -- Queue Warning -- Transit Signal Priority -- Variable Speed Limits -- Intersection Sub-area Regional PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics
From page 380...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics ATM AMS Modeling Guidelines (Chapter 6 -- Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation for ATM) ATM Strategy Planning Design Operations Identify pre-deployment Use signal optimization Use ramp metering to regulate infrastructure needs, to determine entry flow operational inflow during Adaptive Ramp Metering perform cost analysis rates, storage space, peak/off-peak hours and acceleration distance Identify pre-deployment Help design roadway Use adaptive signal control to infrastructure needs, capacity, turning bays, help reduce congestion levels on Adaptive Traffic Signal perform cost analysis storage lengths, and arterial corridors (through signal Control entry flow rates using coordination)
From page 381...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics

Key Terms

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