Understanding Airport Air Quality and Public Health Studies Related to Airports, Second Edition (2024) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

1 Introduction
Pages 4-8

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 4...
... Emissions from airport ground vehicles and other combustion sources may also impact local communities, but those emissions may have different impacts depending on the location and composition of the emissions. Airports are complex facilities, each with unique characteristics impacting air quality and public health.
From page 5...
... funded ACRP Project 02-42 to provide operators with information on airport impacts on public health. That project developed ACRP Report 135 Understanding Airport Air Quality and Public Health Studies Related to Airports, which includes a guidebook to provide airport operators with information needed to better respond to public concerns over air quality and health impacts in the vicinity of airports.
From page 6...
... The searches used various combinations of keywords related to the study topics, including "aviation emissions," "indoor air quality," "airport," "public health," "environmental justice," and "air pollution" as well as specific pollutants such as ozone and UFPs. Materials reviewed for this project include reports, documents, and articles from sources including universities, state air agencies, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
From page 7...
... The overall scope of this project involved answering key questions related to airport health impacts. As such, it included summarizing the findings from the reviewed literature and appropriately interpreting and critiquing the materials.
From page 8...
... Chapter 3 provides descriptions of airport emission sources and factors affecting airport air quality. Chapter 4 provides a primer on pollutant health effects and risk assessments related to pollutants emitted by airport sources.

This material may be derived from roughly machine-read images, and so is provided only to facilitate research.
More information on Chapter Skim is available.