Advancing Research on Chronic Conditions in Women (2024) / Chapter Skim
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Pages 442-453

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From page 442...
... 10 An Agenda to Advance Research on Chronic Conditions in Women The evidence presented in previous chapters highlights significant gaps in knowledge needed to unravel and understand the biological, structural, and social factors that influence the development and trajectory of chronic conditions in women across the life course. These gaps hinder efforts to improve the health of women through diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and management of these chronic conditions and reduce disparities.
From page 443...
... 2 ADVANCING RESEARCH ON CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN WOMEN Chapter 7 examined in more detail the structural and social determinants of health in the context of specific chronic condition in women. It highlighted the role these factors play in modifying the risk of chronic conditions and their consequences and pointed to the limitations in data on how these factors shape the health of different groups of women.
From page 444...
... AN AGENDA TO ADVANCE RESEARCH ON CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN WOMEN 3 1.1a. Diagnose and reduce misclassification of female-specific and gynecologic conditions (e.g., endometriosis, vulvodynia)
From page 445...
... 4 ADVANCING RESEARCH ON CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN WOMEN Understanding the Biology and Pathophysiology of Chronic Conditions in Women Understanding the biological mechanisms that contribute to chronic conditions is important for developing approaches to diagnose, treat, and prevent female-specific and gynecologic conditions and conditions that predominantly impact or affect women differently. Research is progressing in areas such as how sex differences, including chromosome and hormonal effects, influence the development of chronic conditions in women.
From page 446...
... AN AGENDA TO ADVANCE RESEARCH ON CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN WOMEN 5 2.2d. Understand the etiological mechanisms of chronic conditions that include pain as a component of the condition's presentation (e.g., chronic pain, migraines, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia)
From page 447...
... 6 ADVANCING RESEARCH ON CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN WOMEN Female-Specific Factors in the Development of Chronic Conditions Reproductive milestones are key factors influencing the development of chronic conditions in women. Most studies have established associations related to cardiometabolic conditions and some other conditions.
From page 448...
... AN AGENDA TO ADVANCE RESEARCH ON CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN WOMEN 7 ethnic groups of women as well as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) women.
From page 449...
... 8 ADVANCING RESEARCH ON CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN WOMEN Conclusion 4: Structural and social determinants of health influence the development, progression, and management of chronic conditions in women. Recommendation 4: To better understand how the structural and social determinants of health affect outcomes in women from various social identities, NIH and other relevant research agencies should support research to understand how multiple social identities (race and ethnicity, cultural norms, gender identity, sexual orientation)
From page 450...
... AN AGENDA TO ADVANCE RESEARCH ON CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN WOMEN 9 6b. Understand how structural and social determinants of health interact with various lifestyle behaviors to influence prevention, development, and course of chronic conditions in women.
From page 451...
... 10 ADVANCING RESEARCH ON CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN WOMEN mechanisms in the development of chronic conditions. In clinical research, studies of multiple chronic conditions have been hampered by a lack of standardized definitions and diagnostic approaches resulting in challenges in prevention and treatment.
From page 452...
... AN AGENDA TO ADVANCE RESEARCH ON CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN WOMEN 11 Clinical guidelines are typically designed to manage single conditions. Evidence-based clinical guidelines are lacking for treating and managing the complex interactions between conditions.
From page 453...
... 12 ADVANCING RESEARCH ON CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN WOMEN 9b. Develop methods for assessing discrimination (e.g., sexism, racism, ageism, and homophobia)

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