Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States Technology, Policy, and Societal Dimensions (2024) / Chapter Skim
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From page 5...
... Most modeling analyses indicate that this policy portfolio will cause a dra matic shift in the trajectory of U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG)
From page 6...
... It focuses specifically on gaps in the current policy portfolio and barriers to implementation that would prevent the nation from attaining its climate, economic, and humanistic goals. The report offers additional policies that could fill gaps and overcome barriers, most of which could be implemented under existing federal legislation through actions by the executive branch and/or state and local governments, although some would require Congress.
From page 7...
... policy, which states that people and "disadvantaged communities that are marginalized, underserved, and overbur dened by pollution" receive 40 percent of benefits from some federal investments in climate change, clean energy, energy efficiency, transit, affordable housing, workforce development, and remediation and reduction of legacy pollution.1 The congressional framers of the IRA followed suit, by directing up to $60 billion of IRA funding to environmental justice priorities.  1 For more information on the Justice40 Initiative, see justice40.
From page 8...
... It will also afford important co-benefits, such as reduced emissions of ambient air pollutants that cause illness and death; revitalized energy, building, and industrial sectors; increased resilience to environmental and social stressors; net increases in employment; and fair, equitable, and just treatment of both displaced fossil fuel workers and low-income and historically marginalized populations. This is the second report from a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine committee that was constituted in 2020 to address "societal, institutional, behavioral, and equity drivers and implications of deep decarbonization." (See the statement of task in Box 1-1 of Chapter 1.)
From page 9...
... Table 1-1 in Chapter 1 compares the policies recently adopted with the recommenda tions in the committee's first report. SUMMARY OF CURRENT FEDERAL CLIMATE AND ENERGY POLICY The extensive decarbonization policy portfolio that the United States has today did not come together until the summer of 2022 with the passage of the IRA and CHIPS, which complement the IIJA passed in November 2021.
From page 10...
... Other executive orders and regulatory actions have targeted federal procurement power as a catalyst for developing a domestic clean energy economy, fuel economy and GHG standards for light- and medium-/heavy-duty vehicles, and emis sions standards for existing and new fossil-fueled power plants and industrial facilities. 10 A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_Summary.indd 10 4/13/24 10:29 AM
From page 11...
... Also, given the first report's focus on federal action, the committee examined the contributions of states, localities, the private sector, and civil society to mitigating climate change. The committee identified five objectives of decarbonization policy -- GHG emission reductions,3 equity and fairness, health, employment, and public engagement -- and eight sectors -- electricity, buildings, land use, transportation, industry, finance, fossil fuels, and non-federal actors.
From page 12...
... Hence, the committee's second and final report is not just about progress but also about gaps and barriers that would prevent successful implementation, where success is measured against the five separate objectives: reduced emissions of GHGs; fairness, equity, and justice; health; the number and quality of jobs; and transparent public engagement in planning and deci sion-making. For each gap and barrier, the report offers a recommended remedy.
From page 13...
... Overt or passive public resistance to the deployment of critical infrastructure could ma terialize in some locations or sectors. The climate and energy programs in the IRA and IIJA are scattered across the federal government, with no durable entity to gather data, monitor, and analyze them and periodically report on progress against GHG emissions, equity, justice, employment, health, and public engagement goals.
From page 14...
... The current federal policy portfolio contains many provisions designed to ensure a fair, just, and equi table distribution of costs and benefits from the transition, and to eliminate current injustice in our energy system. Recommendations 2-1 through 2-6 are designed to strengthen these provisions and reduce barriers to their successful implementation.
From page 15...
... The 2030 sectoral emissions goals set by the Biden administration can be achieved or mostly achieved by the current policy portfolio, in part because the goals for "harder-to-decarbonize" sectors, such as industry and buildings are not particularly stringent. Recommendations 7-1 through 7-5 would facilitate effective implementation of components of the IRA and the IIJA directed at buildings and the built environment, especially those that would further equity and fairness objectives.
From page 16...
... The federal government is rapidly adding the capacity it needs to implement current climate and energy policy. However, the nation as a whole lacks the trained workers needed to implement fairness, equity, justice, and public engagement provisions.
From page 17...
... However, addi tional investments will be required to address medium- to long-term challenges, such as developing new methods to make low-carbon products using green chemistry or engineering. Furthermore, the breadth of the energy transition requires an RD&D portfolio broader than DOE's domain, including for example land-use practices that store carbon while improving agricultural productivity, research on artificial meat and dairy food products, and ways to reduce food waste and shift toward more plant-based diets.
From page 18...
... • Land use • Health Adaptive Management on Decarbonization • Transportation • Employment Investments and Programs • Industry • Public engagement • Finance • Fossil fuels 1-3: Identify and Provide Congress and • Electricity • GHG reductions Rigorous and Transparent Resources for a Central single other agency • Buildings • Equity Analysis and Reporting for Entity to Provide Timely, (e.g., Energy Information • Land use • Health Adaptive Management Public-Facing Information Administration [EIA] , • Transportation • Employment on the Nation's Progress Global Change Research • Industry • Public engagement Toward Decarbonization Program, OMB)
From page 19...
... , state • Employment Ensuring Equity, Justice, legislatures • Public engagement Health, and Fairness of Impacts 19 Building the Needed Workforce and Capacity continued 4/13/24 10:29 AM
From page 20...
... Overarching Categories Short-Form for Implementing Sector(s) Addressed Addressed by Addressed by Recommendation Recommendation by Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation 2-5: Develop Equitable Federal Interagency • Electricity • Equity Ensuring Procedural Equity Technical Assistance Thriving Communities • Buildings • Public engagement in Planning and Siting New Guidelines Network, White House • Land use Infrastructure and Programs Environmental Justice • Transportation Ensuring Equity, Justice, Advisory Committee • Industry Health, and Fairness of (WHEJAC)
From page 21...
... • Industry Research, Development, and • Fossil fuels Demonstration Needs 4-1: Support the Department of Education, • Electricity • Equity Building the Needed Development of Net- local governments, and • Buildings • Employment Workforce and Capacity Zero Curriculum and Skill school districts • Transportation • Public engagement Development Programs for • Industry K–12 Students • Non-federal actors 4-2: Invest in Congress • Electricity • Equity Ensuring Equity, Justice, Linking People from • Buildings • Employment Health, and Fairness of Disadvantaged • Transportation Impacts Communities to Quality • Industry Building the Needed Jobs • Non-federal actors Workforce and Capacity continued 21 4/13/24 10:29 AM
From page 22...
... Overarching Categories Short-Form for Implementing Sector(s) Addressed Addressed by Addressed by Recommendation Recommendation by Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation 4-3: Extend Congress • Transportation • Equity Ensuring Equity, Justice, Unemployment Insurance • Fossil fuels • Employment Health, and Fairness of Duration for Fossil Fuel– • Public engagement Impacts Related Layoffs and Building the Needed Develop Decarbonization Workforce and Capacity Workforce Adjustment Assistance Program 4-4: Collect and Report DOE • Electricity • Equity Building the Needed A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_Summary.indd 22 Data on Net-Zero-Relevant • Buildings • Employment Workforce and Capacity Professions • Transportation • Industry • Non-federal actors 5-1: Encourage National Climate Task • Non-federal actors • Equity Ensuring Procedural Equity Prospective, Inclusive Force (NCTF)
From page 23...
... , and National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) 5-6: Mandate and Allocate Congress, DOE, NCTF • Electricity • Equity Ensuring Procedural Equity Resources for a National • Non-federal actors • Employment in Planning and Siting New Assessment on the Public • Public engagement Infrastructure and Programs Engagement Workforce Siting and Permitting Reforms and Gaps for Interstate Transmission Building the Needed Workforce and Capacity continued 23 4/13/24 10:29 AM
From page 24...
... Overarching Categories Short-Form for Implementing Sector(s) Addressed Addressed by Addressed by Recommendation Recommendation by Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation 5-7: Develop Collaborative Civil society leaders • Non-federal actors • Equity Ensuring Procedural Equity Regional Renewable and philanthropic • Public engagement in Planning and Siting New Energy Deployment Plans organizations Infrastructure and Programs Siting and Permitting Reforms for Interstate Transmission 5-8: Address the Priorities Congress and federal • Electricity • Equity A Broadened Policy Portfolio of Native American and program designers • Public engagement Ensuring Procedural Equity Environmental Justice A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_Summary.indd 24 in Planning and Siting New Communities Infrastructure and Programs Ensuring Equity, Justice, Health, and Fairness of Impacts 5-9: Invest in and Integrate DOE, Department of • Non-federal actors • Equity Building the Needed Social Science Research Transportation (DOT)
From page 25...
... • Health Objectives A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_Summary.indd 25 6-4: Provide Rate Options Decision makers on • Electricity • Equity Ensuring Equity, Justice, to Encourage Flexible utility rates (i.e., state • Non-federal actors Health, and Fairness of Demand While Ensuring utility regulators for Impacts Affordable Electricity jurisdictional investor Siting and Permitting Reforms owned utilities and boards for Interstate Transmission of cooperatives, municipal electric utilities, and other publicly owned utilities) 6-5: Support Equitable States, localities, and tribal • Electricity • GHG reductions Ensuring Equity, Justice, Deployment of Distributed governments • Non-federal actors • Equity Health, and Fairness of Energy Resources • Health Impacts • Public engagement Siting and Permitting Reforms for Interstate Transmission continued 25 4/13/24 10:29 AM
From page 26...
... A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_Summary.indd 26 6-7: Invest in Research, Congress • Electricity • GHG reductions Research, Development, and Development, and • Equity Demonstration Needs Demonstration of On-Demand Electric Generating Technologies and Long-Duration Storage Technologies 7-1: Ensure Clarity and DOE • Buildings • GHG reductions Rigorous and Transparent Consistency for the • Equity Analysis and Reporting for Implementation of • Public engagement Adaptive Management Building Decarbonization Ensuring Procedural Equity Policies in Planning and Siting New Infrastructure and Programs Tightened Targets for the Buildings and Industrial Sectors and a Backstop for the Transport Sector 4/13/24 10:29 AM
From page 27...
... 7-2: Promote an Equitable DOE • Buildings • GHG reductions Ensuring Procedural Equity Focus Across Building • Non-federal actors • Equity in Planning and Siting New Decarbonization Policies • Public engagement Infrastructure and Programs Tightened Targets for the Buildings and Industrial Sectors and a Backstop for the Transport Sector 7-3: Expand and Evaluate DOE • Buildings • GHG reductions Rigorous and Transparent the Weatherization • Equity Analysis and Reporting for Assistance Program • Health Adaptive Management Ensuring Procedural Equity A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_Summary.indd 27 in Planning and Siting New Infrastructure and Programs Tightened Targets for the Buildings and Industrial Sectors and a Backstop for the Transport Sector 7-4: Coordinate State and municipal • Buildings • Equity Tightened Targets for the Subnational Government government offices • Non-federal actors • Employment Buildings and Industrial Agencies to Align Sectors and a Backstop for the Decarbonization Policies Transport Sector and Implementation Building the Needed Workforce and Capacity continued 27 4/13/24 10:29 AM
From page 28...
... Overarching Categories Short-Form for Implementing Sector(s) Addressed Addressed by Addressed by Recommendation Recommendation by Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation 7-5: Build Capacity for Congress • Buildings • GHG reductions A Broadened Policy Portfolio States and Municipalities • Non-federal actors • Equity Rigorous and Transparent to Adopt and Enforce • Health Analysis and Reporting for Increased Regulatory • Employment Adaptive Management Rigor for Buildings and Equipment Tightened Targets for the Buildings and Industrial Sectors and a Backstop for the Transport Sector A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_Summary.indd 28 Building the Needed Workforce and Capacity 7-6: Increase Research, Congress • Buildings • Equity Siting and Permitting Reforms Development, • Non-federal actors • Health for Interstate Transmission Demonstration, and • Employment Research, Development, and Deployment for • Public engagement Demonstration Needs Built Environment Decarbonization Interventions 7-7: Extend Current Congress • Buildings • GHG reductions A Broadened Policy Portfolio Decarbonization Incentives • Equity Tightened Targets for the Beyond the Next Decade • Health Buildings and Industrial While Scaling Up Mandates • Employment Sectors and a Backstop for the Transport Sector 8-1: Convene an Expert Secretary of Agriculture • Land use • GHG reductions Rigorous and Transparent Group to Recommend Analysis and Reporting for Ways to Measure Adaptive Management Additional Forest Sinks 4/13/24 10:29 AM
From page 29...
... 8-2: Prioritize Ecosystem- Secretary of Agriculture • Land use • GHG reductions A Broadened Policy Portfolio Level Carbon Storage 8-3: Establish a Permanent, USDA • Land use • GHG reductions Rigorous and Transparent National-Scale, High- Analysis and Reporting for Quality Soil Monitoring Adaptive Management Network 8-4: Build Out Long- USDA • Land use • GHG reductions Rigorous and Transparent Term Agricultural Field • Non-federal actors Analysis and Reporting for Experiments Adaptive Management Research, Development, and Demonstration Needs A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_Summary.indd 29 8-5: Fund Research to USDA • Land use • GHG reductions Research, Development, and Quantify Indicators That • Equity Demonstration Needs Influence Adoption of • Public engagement Regenerative Agriculture Practices 8-6: Incentivize the USDA • Land use • GHG reductions A Broadened Policy Portfolio Abatement of CH4 and N2O • Equity Emissions and Improve Soil Carbon Sequestration 8-7: Release a DOE • Land use • GHG reductions Research, Development, and Comprehensive Demonstration Needs Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment Program for Biomass Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage 29 continued 4/13/24 10:29 AM
From page 30...
... Overarching Categories Short-Form for Implementing Sector(s) Addressed Addressed by Addressed by Recommendation Recommendation by Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation 8-8: Convene an Expert Secretary of Agriculture • Land use • GHG reductions A Broadened Policy Portfolio Group to Recommend • Health Policies That Could Encourage Sustainable Diets 9-1: Accelerate the Federal, state, and local • Transportation • GHG reductions A Broadened Policy Portfolio Adoption of Battery governments • Finance • Equity Tightened Targets for the Electric Vehicles • Non-federal actors • Health Buildings and Industrial • Public engagement Sectors and a Backstop for the A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_Summary.indd 30 Transport Sector 9-2: Promote Vehicle Ports and airports and • Transportation • GHG reductions Tightened Targets for the Electrification at Ports and their state and local • Non-federal actors • Health Buildings and Industrial Airports government owners Sectors and a Backstop for the Transport Sector 9-3: Pursue Cost-Effective Private companies • Buildings • GHG reductions A Broadened Policy Portfolio Efficiency Improvements and state and local • Transportation • Equity Tightened Targets for the to Reduce Greenhouse Gas governments • Fossil fuels • Health Buildings and Industrial Emissions • Non-federal actors Sectors and a Backstop for the Transport Sector 9-4: Pursue Infrastructure State DOTs, American • Transportation • GHG reductions Tightened Targets for the Design, Standards, Association of State • Industry Buildings and Industrial Specifications, and Highway and Transportation • Non-federal actors Sectors and a Backstop for the Procedures That Effectively Officials, American Road Transport Sector Reduce Transportation and Transportation Builders Carbon Emissions Association, and other specialized transportation infrastructure materials and construction associations 4/13/24 10:29 AM
From page 31...
... 9-5: Enhance States and local • Buildings • GHG reductions Rigorous and Transparent Transportation Equity and governments • Transportation • Equity Analysis and Reporting for Environmental Justice • Finance • Health Adaptive Management Through Programs, • Non-federal actors • Public engagement Ensuring Procedural Equity Planning, and Services in Planning and Siting New Infrastructure and Programs Ensuring Equity, Justice, Health, and Fairness of Impacts Tightened Targets for the Buildings and Industrial A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_Summary.indd 31 Sectors and a Backstop for the Transport Sector 9-6: Support Advances DOE and NSF • Land use • GHG reductions Ensuring Equity, Justice, in Battery Design and • Transportation Health, and Fairness of Recycling, Fuel Cell Electric • Industry Impacts Vehicles, and Net-Zero Research, Development, and Liquid Fuels Demonstration Needs 10-1: Develop and Enable DOE and industrial • Buildings • GHG reductions Rigorous and Transparent Cost-Competitive Process companies • Industry Analysis and Reporting for and Waste Heat Solutions Adaptive Management Tightened Targets for the Buildings and Industrial Sectors and a Backstop for the Transport Sector Research, Development, and Demonstration Needs 31 continued 4/13/24 10:29 AM
From page 32...
... Overarching Categories Short-Form for Implementing Sector(s) Addressed Addressed by Addressed by Recommendation Recommendation by Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation 10-2: Invest in Energy and Congress and DOE • Buildings • GHG reductions A Broadened Policy Portfolio Materials Efficiency and • Industry Tightened Targets for the Industrial Electrification • Finance Buildings and Industrial • Non-federal actors Sectors and a Backstop for the • Transportation Transport Sector Research, Development, and Demonstration Needs 10-3: Spur Innovation to Congress, DOE, non- • Industry • GHG reductions A Broadened Policy Portfolio A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_Summary.indd 32 Achieve Price-Performance governmental organizations • Finance Tightened Targets for the Parity for Low-Carbon (NGOs)
From page 33...
... , General Services • Industry Analysis and Reporting for Deployment of Low- Administration (GSA) , DoD, • Non-federal actors Adaptive Management Carbon Technologies and DOT • Finance Tightened Targets for the Buildings and Industrial Sectors and a Backstop for the Transport Sector continued 33 4/13/24 10:29 AM
From page 34...
... Overarching Categories Short-Form for Implementing Sector(s) Addressed Addressed by Addressed by Recommendation Recommendation by Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation 10-8: Develop Effective Congress, DOE, labor • Industry • Employment Building the Needed Workforce Development associations, NGOs, • Non-federal actors Workforce and Capacity Programs for Industry industry leaders, and academia 10-9: Implement a Congress, DOE, DOC, and • Industry • GHG reductions A Broadened Policy Portfolio Product-Based Tradeable EPA • Finance Tightened Targets for the Performance Standard for Buildings and Industrial Domestic Manufacturing Sectors and a Backstop for the A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_Summary.indd 34 and Foreign Trade Transport Sector 11-1: Expand and Extend Congress and EPA • Buildings • Equity Ensuring Procedural Equity Funding and Financing • Transportation in Planning and Siting New Assistance for Actions • Finance Infrastructure and Programs Benefiting Low-Income • Non-federal actors Reforming Financial Markets and Disadvantaged Households and Communities 11-2: Disclose Equity OMB • Electricity • Equity Ensuring Procedural Equity Indicators for Federal • Buildings in Planning and Siting New Funding of Clean Energy • Transportation Infrastructure and Programs • Finance Reforming Financial Markets • Non-federal actors 11-3: Address Limited Treasury Advisory Group • Finance • Equity Ensuring Procedural Equity Access Faced by Low- on Racial Equity in Planning and Siting New Income and Marginalized Infrastructure and Programs Households Reforming Financial Markets 4/13/24 10:29 AM
From page 35...
... and • Non-federal actors Analysis and Reporting for Standardize Data and Commodity Futures Adaptive Management Methods Trading Commission Reforming Financial Markets 11-6: Implement Financial FSOC members and the • Finance Reforming Financial Markets Stability Oversight Council Federal Reserve Recommendations to A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_Summary.indd 35 Ensure the Stability of U.S. Financial Markets 12-1: Authorize and Congress and state • Fossil fuels • Equity Ensuring Procedural Equity Provide Appropriations transition offices • Non-federal actors • Employment in Planning and Siting New for State Transition Offices Infrastructure and Programs to Address Coal, Oil, and Ensuring Equity, Justice, Natural Gas Community Health, and Fairness of Transitions Impacts Building the Needed Workforce and Capacity Managing the Future of the Fossil Fuel Sector continued 35 4/13/24 10:29 AM
From page 36...
... Overarching Categories Short-Form for Implementing Sector(s) Addressed Addressed by Addressed by Recommendation Recommendation by Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation 12-2: Consider Whether Congress and FERC • Fossil fuels • GHG reductions A Broadened Policy Portfolio Proposed Natural Gas • Transportation Managing the Future of the Pipeline Projects Are Fossil Fuel Sector Needed, Incorporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impacts into National Environmental Policy Act, and Require the Use of A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_Summary.indd 36 Depreciation Periods for Pipeline Application Reviews 12-3: Require Utilities and State regulators of natural • Electricity • GHG reductions Ensuring Equity, Justice, Service Providers to Plan gas distribution utilities • Buildings • Equity Health, and Fairness of for the Transition and fossil fuel supplier/ • Transportation • Health Impacts service providers • Industry • Public engagement Managing the Future of the • Fossil fuels Fossil Fuel Sector • Non-federal actors 12-4: Consider Adoption of States and communities • Fossil fuels • GHG reductions Managing the Future of the Moratoria on New Gas Lines • Non-federal actors Fossil Fuel Sector in Previously Unserved Areas 12-5: Modify the Design of Congress and states • Transportation • GHG reductions Managing the Future of the Taxes on Gasoline, Diesel, • Fossil fuels Fossil Fuel Sector and Petroleum Products • Non-federal actors 12-6: Require Recipients of Congress and recipients of • Fossil fuels • GHG reductions Ensuring Equity, Justice, Health, Federal Funding to Provide federal agency funding • Non-federal actors • Equity and Fairness of Impacts Advance Notice of Facility • Employment Managing the Future of the Closures • Public engagement Fossil Fuel Sector 4/13/24 10:29 AM
From page 37...
... 12-7: Fund the Congress, state • Finance • GHG reductions Ensuring Equity, Justice, Decommissioning, Cleanup, legislatures, state • Fossil fuels • Equity Health, and Fairness of and Just Transition for agencies, and state • Non-federal actors • Health Impacts Communities Historically regulators • Public engagement Managing the Future of the Dependent on Fossil Fuels Fossil Fuel Sector 13-1: Establish an Ongoing Executive Office of the • Non-federal actors • Equity Building the Needed Process to Integrate President • Public engagement Workforce and Capacity Feedback into Federal Application and Technical Assistance Processes 13-2: Disburse Capacity- DOE, EPA, DOT, USDA, and • Non-federal actors • Equity Building the Needed Building Funds for State, other federal agencies • Employment Workforce and Capacity A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_Summary.indd 37 Local, and Community • Public engagement Recipients Flexibly and Speedily 13-3: Designate an Governors, mayors, and • Electricity • Equity Building the Needed Official or Entity to Track county officials; states, • Buildings • Public engagement Workforce and Capacity Decarbonization Program counties, and cities • Transportation Opportunities and • Industry Deadlines • Non-federal actors 13-4: Structure Federal agencies • Electricity • Equity Building the Needed Competitive Opportunities • Buildings Workforce and Capacity as Non-Competitive • Transportation Planning Grants Followed • Industry by Competitive Grants • Non-federal actors 13-5: Continue to Expand Congress and federal • Electricity • Equity Building the Needed Reliable and Flexible contracting officials • Buildings • Employment Workforce and Capacity Funding to Subnational • Transportation • Public engagement Governments • Industry 37 • Non-federal actors 4/13/24 10:29 AM
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... A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_Summary.indd 38 4/13/24 10:29 AM

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