Multistate Coordination and Harmonization for AV Legislation (2024) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Pages 59-62

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From page 59...
... NCHRP LRD 91 59 The downward harmonization approach has stalled out, and states are introducing statutes that are much more focused, follow ing guidance from literature, industry and the public. However, action has not focused specifically around harmonization within this process, but rather states have molded definitions and other terms into statutes in an ad-hoc process.
From page 60...
... 60 NCHRP LRD 91 in court or pay the fine. If they fail to do so, the state where they were issued the citation will send notice of noncompliance to the Department so that her Colorado driver license will be revoked.738 This compact could be utilized, with amendment, to provide standardized methods to handle L3-5 AVs where the ADS is engaged, or a remote driver (whether computer or human)
From page 61...
... NCHRP LRD 91 61 more than 26,000 pounds (11,794 kilograms) , and traveling in two or more jurisdictions, are likely registered under IRP.749 The IRP would be a logical place to manage truck platooning registration issues, where platoons may be comprised of tractors and trailers from different jurisdictions, states and companies.
From page 62...
... 62 NCHRP LRD 91 B International Harmonization Activities The UNECE, the World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP 29)

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