Memorial Tributes Volume 22 (2019) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Pages 59-64

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From page 60...
... JAMIESON AND ABHIJIT DESHMUKH WALTER DALE COMPTON, former vice president of research at Ford Motor Company, Lillian M Gilbreth Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Industrial Engineering at Purdue University, and former home secretary of the National Academy of Engineering, died February 7, 2017, at his home in West Lafayette, Indiana, at the age of 88.
From page 61...
... He was named executive director for research in 1972, and from 1973 to 1986 was Ford's vice president of research. During his tenure at the company, he promoted innovations in modeling and simulation of the design and manufacture of automotive components and systems, and established a balance between near- and long-term research that led to a succession of technological breakthroughs that enabled Ford to develop superior products and produce them successfully worldwide.
From page 62...
... , Dale continued his focus on issues related to industry and engineering education and led the development of programs related to international competitiveness. With experience in both academia and industry, he cochaired the 1987 NAE Committee on Technology Issues that Impact International Competitiveness that led to the creation of the National Science Foundation's flagship Engineering Research Centers program.
From page 63...
... This seminal report recommended public- and private-sector actions to advance the development, adaptation, and use of systems engineering tools in health care and led, among other outcomes, to the landmark creation by the US Department of Veterans Affairs of centers that combine a VA healthcare facility with academic engineering partners. In addition to his service to the National Academies, Dale served on the board of governors for Argonne National Laboratory, the advisory board for Sandia National Laboratories Combustion Research Facility, the industrial committees for the University of Michigan and the Ohio State University, the Technical Advisory Committee for Cummins Engine Co.
From page 64...
... Pake Prize "for exemplary leadership of corporate automotive R&D at a critical time for the industry and for important individual achievements in experimental solid state physics." Dale Compton's work had profound impacts on fields of enormous import: manufacturing, healthcare systems engineering, and the very core of how large-scale engineering research in the United States is framed, supported, and connected to industry. Yet, for all his accomplishments, Dale, and Jeanne, will be remembered by many for the impact they had both individually and together on their communities and their friends.

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