Building Defense Research Capacity at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and Minority-Serving Institutions Proceedings of Three Town Halls (2024) / Chapter Skim
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2 Town Hall I, Day 1: Capacity Development in Institutions, Policies, and Culture and Leadership Models
Pages 7-28

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From page 7...
... . • To allow faculty more time for research, institutions can reduce extra tasks, make use of postdocs, and take advantage of exper tise in the surrounding areas and communities to find contin gent faculty to relieve teaching loads (Crockett)
From page 8...
... (Morgan State University) , welcomed participants to the first of three town halls to uncover topics that can advance research at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
From page 9...
... In 2022, Morgan State received new funding commitments of about $75 million from DOD, as well as awards from NASA, National Institutes of Health (NIH) , and National Science Foundation (NSF)
From page 10...
... One hundred years ago, Dr. Kamangar related, Morgan State was a small teaching institution with a single building and has grown to a sprawling research campus.
From page 11...
... At Morgan State, the OGC provided parameters to contracting officers to conduct some independent reviews within the Office of Research. He also called attention to a UC2 mechanism out of the National Cancer Institute to support a grants office and to NIH's Support of Competitive Research (SCORE)
From page 12...
... , Emily Biggane, Ph.D. (United Tribes Technical College [UTTC]
From page 13...
... United Tribes Technical College Dr. Biggane discussed research capacity at United Tribes Technical ­College, which was founded in 1969 and has been accredited since 1982
From page 14...
... Faculty are often unclear of the overlap between their expertise and DOD research needs. In addition, students seek research and other experiences that benefit their communities.
From page 15...
... AIHEC has a STEM vision statement to build a framework of strategic partnerships, resources, and tools that will strengthen TCUs and their communities in STEM and to ensure American Indian students achieve success in STEM research and careers. Research in such areas as environmental science and environmental health fill a need in tribal communities, he stressed.
From page 16...
... Academic programs should provide a core STEM curriculum, inquiry-based learning, and student research experiences. Faculty need reduced teaching loads, professional development and mentoring, and collaborative relationships.
From page 17...
... Challenges in engaging them in DOD research include competition from industry, especially for those who have undergraduate student loans. There are limited scholarships for master's students.
From page 18...
... One of every 19 engineering degrees in the United States is awarded from the CSU system, he said. (Representatives from several campuses also spoke during the town halls, including from San José State University, San Diego State University, and California State University, Fullerton; presented in this chapter and in Chapters 5, 6, and 7.)
From page 19...
... He suggested looking at NSF for ideas in developing student training and campus systemic cultural change, including programs in the new Directorate for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships (see Chapter 5)
From page 20...
... An example is a successful data science program for Native Hawaiians, formerly incarcerated people, veterans, and others. She said it is important for agencies to understand Chaminade's journey, moving from being dismissed in 2007 (when they had never had a federal grant and no research capability)
From page 21...
... University of Alaska Anchorage Dr. Dotson highlighted research support at the University of Alaska Anchorage, including programs funded by DOD, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
From page 22...
... Dotson added that interns often become employees, and DOD has the opportunity to grow the employees of the future. The Alaska Native Success Initiative has been launched for students and faculty to help Alaska Native success across all University of Alaska campuses so that efforts do not just rely on a few individuals.12 REIMAGINING FACULTY WORKLOAD POLICIES The next session of the town hall looked at faculty workloads in the context of building research capacity.
From page 23...
... Dr. Crockett noted the multiple time demands on SDSU faculty, including teaching, mentorship, training, and research involvement, adding that women and historically excluded faculty tend to spend more time on class preparation than majority faculty.
From page 24...
... Dr. Crockett considered ways to incentivize faculty to engage in DOD research.
From page 25...
... Postdocs at SDSU receive support in building community and professional development. CULTURAL AND LEADERSHIP MODELS TO FACILITATE RESEARCH CAPACITY BUILDING In the final session of the first day of the town hall, Abigail Newsome, Ph.D.
From page 26...
... This has been referred to as the "native asterisk": that is, the numbers of Native American, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Natives are so small in datasets that there is an asterisk rather than a percentage number. Despite the small numbers, she stressed, "We need to be having these conversations.
From page 27...
... REFERENCE Congressional Research Service.

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