Space Nuclear Propulsion for Human Mars Exploration (2021) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Appendix B: Findings and Recommendations
Pages 70-73

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From page 70...
... If NASA plans to apply NTP technology to a 2039 launch of the baseline mission, NASA should expeditiously select and validate a fuel architecture for an NTP system that is capable of achieving a propellant reactor exit temperature of approximately 2700 K or higher (which is the temperature that corresponds to the required Isp of 900 s) without significant fuel deterioration during the mission lifetime.
From page 71...
... With sufficient M&S and With sufficient M&S and ground testing, including modular ground testing of fully integrated systems, including tests at full subsystem tests at full scale and power, flight qualification scale and thrust, flight qualification requirements can be met by requirements can be met by the cargo missions that will the cargo missions that will precede the first crewed mission to precede the first crewed mission to Mars. Fully integrated Mars.
From page 72...
... NASA system that can heat its propellant to approximately 2700 should invigorate technology development associated with K at the reactor exit for the duration of each burn. NASA the fundamental NEP challenge, which is to scale up the should also invigorate technology development associated operating power of each NEP subsystem and to develop an with the long-term storage of liquid hydrogen in space integrated NEP system suitable for the baseline mission.
From page 73...
... NASA should seek opportunities for collaboration with the DOE and DoD terrestrial microreactor programs and the DARPA DRACO program to identify synergies with NASA space nuclear propulsion programs.

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