Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States Technology, Policy, and Societal Dimensions (2024) / Chapter Skim
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Appendix C: First Report Policy Recommendations
Pages 740-755

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From page 740...
... LIGHT GREEN icon indicates that the policy would play a supporting role. No icon indicates that the policy would have at most a small positive (or, in some cases, a small negative impact)
From page 741...
... Establish 2-year federal Congress $5 million per year. Task force responsible National Transition Task for design of an ongoing Force to assess vulnerability triennial national assessment of labor sectors and on transition impacts communities to the transition and opportunities to be of the U.S.
From page 742...
... harms that occur during Corporation to ensure transition, including support coordination and funding in for communities that lose the areas of job losses, critical a critical employer, support location infrastructure, and for displaced workers, equitable access to economic abandoned site remediation, opportunities and wealth, and opportunities for and to create public energy communities to invest in a equity indicators. wide range of clean energy projects.
From page 743...
... Set manufacturing Congress None. standards for zero-emissions appliances, including hot water, cooking, and space heating.
From page 744...
... Deploy advanced electricity Congressional $4 billion over 10 years. meters for the retail market, appropriation and support the ability of for DOE state regulators to review proposals for time/location varying retail electricity prices.
From page 745...
... Private agencies to include climate companies receiving federal related risks in all benefit cost funds must also report analyses. their clean energy research All banks to report on and development (R&D)
From page 746...
... Establish a federal Green Congressional Capitalized with Additional requirements Bank to finance low- or zero- authorization $30 billion, plus include public reporting of carbon technology, business and $3 billion per year until both energy equity analyses creation, and infrastructure. appropriation 2030.
From page 747...
... Grants or loans to cooperatives rural electric providers and and private investment tax incentives companies to companies, both focused to offer on rural and low-income broadband communities. continued 747 3/16/24 3:57 PM
From page 748...
... to $15 billion total industrial facilities with during the 2020s to direct process emissions of DOE, United States greenhouse gases and to Geological Survey enable capture of CO2 from (USGS) , and Department biomass or via direct air of the Interior (DOI)
From page 749...
... Eliminate visa restrictions for net-zero students. $7 million over A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_APPC.indd 749 2020–2025 for the Energy Jobs Strategy Council.
From page 750...
... DOE to and regional innovation report on equity impacts and hubs at $10 million diversity of entities receiving A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_APPC.indd 750 per year; DOE- and public funds. NSF-funded studies of social dimensions of the transition should be supported by an appropriation of $25 million per year.
From page 751...
... A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_APPC.indd 751 Please note that the primary policies targeting fairness, diversity, and inclusion during the transition are the Office of Equitable Energy Transitions and the National Transition Corporation, which are the fourth and fifth policies in this table. Establish National Laboratory Congressional Additional funding to To establish a coordinated, support to subnational appropriation national laboratories' multi-laboratory capability entities for planning and annual funding to provide energy modeling, implementation of net-zero commencing at the level data, and analytic and transition.
From page 752...
... Congress should direct and fund DOE to provide federal grants to support the deployment of advanced meters for retail electricity customers as well as the capabilities of state regulatory agencies and energy offices to review proposals for time/location-varying retail electricity prices, while also ensuring that low-income consumers have access to affordable basic electricity service.
From page 753...
... (2) Authorize and direct FERC to require transmission companies and regional transmission organizations to analyze and plan for economically attractive opportunities to build out the interstate electric system to connect regions that are rich in renewable resources with high-demand regions; this is in addition to the traditional planning goals of reliability and economic efficiency in the electric system.
From page 754...
... Specific items could include expanding the scope of the energy audits in the DOE Better Plants program and expanded technical assistance to focus on energy use and GHG emissions reduc tions at the 1,500 largest carbon-emitting manufacturing plants; supporting the hiring of industrial plant energy managers by having DOE provide manufacturers with matching funds for 3 years to hire new plant energy managers; enabling the development of agile and resilient domestic supply 3/16/24 3:57 PM
From page 755...
... (4) Congress should direct DOE to establish regional innovation hubs where they do not exist or are critically needed using funds appropriated under item 1 above.

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