Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States Technology, Policy, and Societal Dimensions (2024) / Chapter Skim
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Appendix G: Disadvantaged Community as Defined by Implementers of Justice40 Covered Programs
Pages 774-778

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From page 774...
... . 774 A00026 -- Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States_APPG.indd 774 3/30/24 3:59 PM
From page 775...
... • Annualized Disaster Losses • No High School Diploma • Anticipated Changes in Extreme • PM2.5 Level Screening Methodology: 40 metrics are grouped into five Weather • Population Poverty categories of transportation disadvantage (the parentheses • Asthma • Pre-1980s Housing show the number of metrics per category) : • Coal Mine Proximity • Risk Management Sites • Transportation insecurity occurs when people cannot get • Diabetes Proximity 775 to where they need to go (3)
From page 776...
... a • Home Age geographically dispersed set of individuals who experience • Household Income common conditions, such as migrant workers or Indigenous • Housing Energy Cost people. • Housing Plumbing • Linguistic Isolation Screening Methodology: 36 burden metrics are grouped • National Priorities List Proximity into four categories (the parentheses show the number of • PM2.5 Level metrics per category)
From page 777...
... EJScreen Tool; the California Communities Environmental Health Screening Tool; New Jersey's Environmental Justice Mapping, Assessment, and Protection Tool; Maryland's Environmental Justice Screen Tool; and North Carolina's Community Mapping System.d Environmental Definition: EPA is developing benefit methodologies to Unknown. Protection track and report the benefits going toward disadvantaged Agency (EPA)
From page 778...
... 2022. "Biden-Harris Administration Launches Version 1.0 of Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool, Key Step in Implementing President Biden's Justice40 Initiative." Press release.

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