Space Nuclear Propulsion for Human Mars Exploration (2021) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Appendix D: Acronyms
Pages 78-80

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From page 78...
... Isp specific impulse JIMO Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter 78
From page 79...
... APPENDIX D 79 kWe kilowatt-electric LH2 liquid hydrogen LiH lithium hydride LOX liquid oxygen M&S modeling and simulation Mo molybdenum MPD magnetoplasmadynamic MWe megawatt electric MWt megawatt thermal NbC niobium carbide NEP nuclear electric propulsion NERVA Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application program NEXT-C NASA's Evolutionary Xenon Thruster–Commercial NextSTEP Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships NRIC National Reactor Innovation Center NSTAR NASA Solar Technology Application Readiness NTP nuclear thermal propulsion PMAD power management and distribution PMS propellant management system PPU power processing unit SEP solar electric propulsion SNAP Systems for Nuclear Auxiliary Power SNTP Space Nuclear Thermal Propulsion program Ta tantalum TFE thermionic fuel element TOPAZ Thermionic Operating Reactor Active Zone UC uranium carbide UC2 uranium dicarbide UCO uranium oxycarbide UN uranium nitride UO2 uranium dioxide W tungsten WUO2 tungsten uranium dioxide ZPC zero-power critical ZrC zirconium carbide ZrH zirconium hydride

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