Navigating the Energy Transition in the Gulf of Mexico Proceedings of a Workshop (2023) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

1 Introduction
Pages 9-16

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From page 9...
... This 2-day, in-person workshop, involving 22 participants from private-sector, government, nongovernmental, and academic organizations, was held in Washington, DC, on December 6 and 7, 2022. Participants were invited by GRP staff through recommendations from expert interviews, professional referrals, and planning committee members to represent a diverse range of backgrounds and expertise related to energy policy, production, transportation, and consumption (see Appendix C: Workshop Participants)
From page 10...
... These impacts build out these two alternative states of the world, reflecting participants' expertise and perspectives. Second, participants reviewed more than half of these potential future impacts, discussing strategies for Gulf stakeholders to better prepare for and mitigate the potential negative impacts and to accelerate and increase the positive ones.
From page 11...
... . 2 The Net-Zero America High Electrification pathway informed the Path to Net Zero scenario, and the Reference pathway informed the Steadying the Transition scenario.
From page 12...
... Appendix B: Workshop Agenda lists the complete workshop agenda for the 2 days. Each turn included three phases (see Figure 1-3)
From page 13...
... As time permitted, groups discussed the impacts and identified what could be done to mitigate the negative impacts and enhance the likelihood or effects of positive impacts. As mentioned above, an important aspect of the game was how players were divided and assigned during the various phases of each turn.
From page 14...
... First, Expertise Group Impact Selections discusses the 12 impacts briefed by expertise groups in Phase 2 and their connection to cascading impacts identified by participants in other groups. Next, Recurring Themes lists common themes identified from the 291 impacts and provides both a summary of the impacts described under the theme and any associated supporting efforts.
From page 15...
... • Appendix B: Workshop Agenda details the sequence and time allocated for sessions. • Appendix C: Workshop Participants lists all the players who attended the event.

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