Nuclear Terrorism Assessment of U.S. Strategies to Prevent, Counter, and Respond to Weapons of Mass Destruction (2024) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Executive Summary
Pages 1-2

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From page 1...
... There are several overarching findings that should guide ongoing efforts to combat nuclear terrorism and inform future budget allocations: • Federal agencies across the U.S. government, staffed by seasoned experts, provide domestic and international programs and capabilities that have built a strong foundation for managing and reducing nuclear terrorism risks.
From page 2...
... , plutonium, and radioactive source materials and the challenges of keeping them out of the hands of terrorists. Chapter 8 assesses how non-state actors might exploit wellestablished smuggling pathways to move nuclear weapons, materials, and equipment even in the face of current measures for detecting and interdicting such movements.

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