National Academies Press: OpenBook

Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023 (2024)

Chapter: II. Private Contributions

« Previous: I. Investments
Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.


We gratefully acknowledge the support of private contributors to the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the National Academy of Medicine. The philanthropic support of our members and friends enhances our impact as advisors to the nation.

Lifetime Giving Societies

The Lincoln Society

In recognition of members and friends who have made significant lifetime contributions of $1 million or more to the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, or the National Academy of Medicine as of December 31, 2023. Boldfaced names are NAS members or recipients of its Public Welfare Medal.

Bruce and Betty Alberts

Richard and Rita* Atkinson

Norman R. Augustine

Craig and Barbara Barrett

Jordan and Rhoda Baruch*

Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr.

Arnold and Mabel Beckman*

Leonard Blavatnik

Harry E. Bovay, Jr.*

Donald Bren

Ralph J.* and Carol M. Cicerone

Harvey V. Fineberg and Mary E. Wilson

Bernard M. Gordon

Cecil H. Green*

John O. and Candace E. Hallquist

Michael and Sheila Held*

Jane Henney and Robert Graham

William R. and Rosemary B. Hewlett*

Ming and Eva Hsieh

Irwin and Joan Jacobs

Robert L.* and Anne K. James

Kenneth A. Jonsson*

Fred Kavli*

Daniel E. Koshland, Jr.*

Tillie K. Lubin*

Whitney* and Betty MacMillan

John F. McDonnell

Robin K. and Rose M. McGuire

George P. Mitchell*

The Ambrose Monell Foundation

Gordon* and Betty Moore

Philip* and Sima Needleman

Peter O’Donnell, Jr.*

Gilbert S. Omenn and Martha A. Darling

Jonathan B. and Donna J. Perlin

Robert* and Mayari Pritzker

Richard L. and Hinda G. Rosenthal*

Martine A. Rothblatt

Jack W. and Valerie Rowe

Fritz J. and Dolores H. Russ Prize Fund of the Russ College of Engineering and Technology at Ohio University

William Rutter

Dame Jillian Sackler

Raymond and Beverly Sackler*

Bernard and Rhoda Sarnat*

Leonard D. Schaeffer

Sara Lee and Axel Schupf

James H. and Marilyn Simons

John and Janet Swanson

Marci and James J. Truchard

Anthony J. Yun and Kimberly A. Bazar

Anonymous (1)

The Franklin Society

In recognition of members and friends who have made significant lifetime contributions of $500,000 to $999,999 to the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, or the National Academy of Medicine as of December 31, 2023. Boldfaced names are NAS members or recipients of its Public Welfare Medal.

John and Pat Anderson

Rose-Marie and Jack R. Anderson*

John and Elizabeth Armstrong

Kenneth E. Behring*

Gordon Bell

Elkan R.* and Gail F. Blout

Carson Family Charitable Trust

Charina Endowment Fund

James McConnell Clark*

Barry and Bobbi Coller

Ross and Stephanie Corotis

Henry David*

Richard Evans*

Eugene Garfield Foundation

Theodore Geballe*

Penny and Bill George, George Family Foundation

Christa and Detlef Gloge

William T.* and Catherine Morrison Golden

Wesley L. Harris

John L. Hennessy

Alexander Hollaender*

Thomas V. Jones*

Cindy and Jeong Kim

Ralph and Claire Landau*

Asta and William W. Lang*

Marcia K. McNutt

Ruben F.* and Donna Mettler

Dane* and Mary Louise Miller

Oliver E. and Gerda K. Nelson*

Shela and Kumar Patel

Henry and Susan Samueli

Herbert A. and Dorothea P. Simon*

Raymond and Maria Stata

Roy and Diana Vagelos

Andrew and Erna* Viterbi

Alan M. Voorhees*

Anonymous (1)


Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.

The Curie Societ

In recognition of members and friends who have made significant lifetime contributions of $250,000 to $499,999 to the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, or the National Academy of Medicine as of December 31, 2023. Boldfaced names are NAS members or recipients of its Public Welfare Medal.

The Agouron Institute

W.O. Baker*

Warren L. Batts

Elwyn* and Jennifer Berlekamp

Daniel and Lana Branton

George* and Virginia Bugliarello

Gail H. Cassell

Sigrid and Vint Cerf

Chau-Chyun and Li-Li Chen

Clarence S. Coe*

Rosie and Stirling A. Colgate*

W. Dale and Jeanne C. Compton*

Ruth David and Stan Dains

Lance and Susan Davis

Nicholas M. Donofrio

David and Miriam Donoho

Ruth and Victor Dzau

James O. Ellis, Jr., and Elisabeth Paté-Cornell

Dotty* and Gordon England

William L.* and Mary Kay Friend

George and Christine Gloeckler

Paul and Judy Gray

Diane Greene and Mendel Rosenblum

Diane E. Griffin

Jerome H.* and Barbara N. Grossman

Ben and Jane Hickin

Robert A. Hicks*

Lyda Hill

Chad and Ann Holliday

William R. Jackson*

Anita K. Jones

Mary and Howard Kehrl*

Jill Howell Kramer

Kent Kresa

Mark and Becky Levin

Frances and George Ligler

Azad M. and Carla C. Madni

Stella and Steve Matson

William W. McGuire

Janet and Richard M.* Morrow

Clayton Daniel and Patricia L. Mote

Ralph S. O’Connor*

Kenneth H. Olsen*

Larry* and Carol Papay

Stephen Quake

Ann and Michael Ramage

Simon Ramo*

Richard F. and Terri W. Rashid

Anne and Walt* Robb

Matthew L. Rogers and Swati Mylavarapu

Julie and Alton D. Romig, Jr.

Jonathan J. Rubinstein

Stephen* and Anne Ryan

Wendy and Eric Schmidt

H.E. Simmons*

Pradeep Sindhu and Marie Bertrand

Robert F. and Lee S. Sproull

Edward C. Stone

Judy Swanson

Ted Turner

Leslie L. Vadasz

Martha Vaughan*

Charles M.* and Rebecca M. Vest

Robert and Robyn Wagoner

David Walt and Michele May

Susan R. Wessler

Wm. A. Wulf*

Anonymous (3)

The Einstein Society

In recognition of members and friends who have made significant lifetime contributions of $100,000 to $249,999 to the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, or the National Academy of Medicine as of December 31, 2023. Boldfaced names are NAS members or recipients of its Public Welfare Medal.

Laura E. and John D. Arnold

Holt Ashley*

Nadine Aubry and John L. Batton

Francisco J.* and Hana Ayala

William F. Ballhaus, Sr.*

David Baltimore

Thomas D.* and Janice H. Barrow

H.H. and Eleanor F. Barschall*

Forest and Kathy Baskett

Sunanda Basu

Donald and Joan Beall

Daniel and Frances Berg

Diane and Norman Bernstein*

Bharati and Murty Bhavaraju

Chip and Belinda Blankenship

Erich Bloch*

Barry W. Boehm*

Gopa and Arindam Bose

Paul F. Boulos

David G. Bradley

Lewis M. Branscomb*

John and Sharon Brauman

Sydney Brenner*

Eric A. Brewer

Lenore and Rob Briskman

Kristine L. Bueche

Malin Burnham

Ursula Burns and Lloyd Bean*

Eugen and Cleopatra Cabuz

Christine Cassel and Michael McCally

Josephine Cheng

Priscilla and Sunlin* Chou

John and Assia Cioffi

Paul Citron and Margaret Carlson Citron

A. James Clark*

George W.* and Charlotte R. Clark

James H. Clark

Ellen Wright Clayton and Jay Clayton

G. Wayne Clough

John D. Corbett*

Pedro M. Cuatrecasas

Roy Curtiss and Josephine* Clark-Curtiss

Jeffrey Dean and Heidi Hopper

Zhonghan John Deng

Peter Dervan and Jacqueline Barton

Roman W. DeSanctis

Julie H. and Robert J. Desnick

Robert* and Florence Deutsch

Paul M. Doty*

Charles W. Duncan, Jr.*

George and Maggie Eads

Robert and Cornelia Eaton

Emanuel and Peggy Epstein*


Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.

Thomas E. Everhart

Peter Farrell

Michiko So* and Lawrence Finegold

Tobie and Daniel J.* Fink

Delbert A. and Beverly C. Fisher

George and Ann Fisher

Robert C. and Marilyn G. Forney*

Harold K.* and Betty Forsen

Edward H. Frank and Sarah G. Ratchye

Yellow H. Gandhi

Elsa M. Garmire and Robert H. Russell

Melinda F. Gates

William H. Gates III

Lou and Robin Gerstner

Nan and Chuck* Geschke

Jack and Linda Gill

Sid Gilman and Carol Barbour

Martin E. and Lucinda Glicksman

Avram Goldstein*

Robert W. Gore*

Susan L. Graham and Michael A. Harrison

Robert K. Grasselli* and Eva-Maria Hauck-Grasselli

Corbin Gwaltney*

Carol K. Hall

Margaret A. Hamburg and Peter F. Brown

William M. Haney III

George* and Daphne Hatsopoulos

Robert M. Hauser

John G. Hildebrand and Gail D. Burd

Jane Hirsh

Jackie and Freeman Hrabowski

Yijing and Nils Hultgren

Scott J. Hultgren

Michael W. Hunkapiller

Catherine Adams Hutt and Peter Barton Hutt

Jennie S. Hwang

M. Blakeman Ingle

Kathleen Jamieson

Trina and Michael Johns

Richard B. Johnston, Jr.

Frank and Pam Joklik

Trevor O. Jones

Robert E. Kahn and Patrice A. Lyons

Thomas Kailath

Paul and Julie Kaminski

Yuet Wai and Alvera Kan

John and Wilma Kassakian

Diana S. and Michael D. King

Leon K. and Olga Kirchmayer*

David B. Kirk

Frederick A. Klingenstein*

William I. Koch

Gail F. Koshland

Wook Hyun Kwon and Son Cha Yi

John W. Landis*

Janet and Barry Lang

Louis Lange

Ming-wai Lau

Gerald and Doris Laubach

Edward D. Lazowska and Lyndsay C. Downs

David M.* and Natalie Lederman

Peter and Susan Leem

Bonnie Berger and Frank Thomson Leighton

Thomas M. Leps*

Jane and Norman N. Li

R. Noel Longuemare, Jr.

Asad M., Gowhartaj, and Jamal Madni

Davis L. Masten and Christopher Ireland

Jane and Roger L. McCarthy

Michael and Pat McGinnis

Burt* and Deedee McMurtry

Rahul Mehta

Sabeeha Merchant and Randy Schekman

Robert and Robyn Metcalfe

G. William* and Ariadna Miller

Ronald D. Miller

Stanley L. Miller*

James K.* and Holly T. Mitchell

Sanjit K. and Nandita Mitra

Sharon and Arthur Money

Joe and Glenna Moore

David* and Lindsay Morgenthaler

Cherry A. Murray

Narayana and Sudha Murty

Jaya and Venky Narayanamurti

Ellen and Philip Neches

Norman F. Ness*

Ronald and Joan Nordgren

Susan and Franklin M. Orr, Jr.

David Packard*

Roberto Padovani

Charles and Doris Pankow*

Jack S. Parker*

Nirmala and Arogyaswami J. Paulraj

Edward E. Penhoet

Julia M. Phillips and John A. Connor

Percy A. and Olga* Pierre

Allen E.* and Marilynn Puckett

Alexander Rich*

Arthur D. Riggs*

Emanuel P. Rivers

Ronald L. Rivest

Eugene and Ruth Roberts*

Christopher Rogers

Howie Rosen and Susan Doherty

Henry M. Rowan*

Joseph E. and Anne P. Rowe*

John M. Samuels, Jr.

Linda S. Sanford

Maxine L. Savitz

Charles L. Sawyers

Walter Schlup*

Nicole Shanahan

Heung-Yeung (Harry) Shum and Ka Yan

Richard P. Simmons

Harold C. and Carol H. Sox

Georges C. St. Laurent, Jr.

Arnold and Constance Stancell

Richard J. and Bobby Ann Stegemeier

F. William Studier

Lisa T. Su

Michael Albert and Elizabeth Ann Sutton

Thomas and Marilyn Sutton

Charlotte and Morris* Tanenbaum

Sridhar Tayur and Gunjan Kedia

Peter* and Vivian Teets

Hemant K. and Suniti Thapar

Samuel O. Thier

Leonard Kent* and Kayleen Thomas

James M. Tien and Ellen S. Weston

Gary and Diane Tooker

Katherine K. and John J. Tracy

Holly and Jeff Ullman

John C. Wall

Patricia Bray-Ward and David C.* Ward

James N. Weinstein

Robert* and Joan Wertheim

Robert M.* and Mavis E. White

John C. Whitehead*

Jean D. Wilson*

Ken Xie

Tachi* and Leslie Yamada

Yannis and Sheryl Yortsos

Adrian Zaccaria*

Alejandro Zaffaroni*

Peter Zandan

Elias A. Zerhouni

Janet and Jerry Zucker

Anonymous (4)


Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.

Elkan Blout Society of the National Academy of Sciences

In recognition of members and friends who have lifetime contributions of $20,000 to $99,999 to the National Academy of Sciences as of December 31, 2023. Boldfaced names are NAS members or recipients of its Public Welfare Medal.

$75,000 to $99,999

Fletcher* and Peg Byrom

Gail and Roberto Canizares

Ellis* and Bettsy Cowling

Richard N. Foster

Anthony A. James and Cynthia K. French

Richard J. Mahoney

Robert W.* and Maura Morey, Jr.

Jeremiah P. Ostriker

Share Fund

Rudi* and Sonja Schmid

Johanna M. H. Levelt Sengers*

Joan A. and Thomas A.* Steitz

Lubert and Andrea Stryer

Irving L. Weissman

Ronald A. Williams

$50,000 to $74,999

Andreas and Juana Acrivos

Joan* and Edward Anders

John and Joan Avise

Terry and Roger N. Beachy

Tanya S. Beder

Bennett Family Foundation

May R. Berenbaum

Paul Berg*

Ruth and Felix* Boehm

Peggy and Thomas* Caskey

Joan and Purnell W.* Choppin

Nancy E. Conrad

Hillary and Weston Cookler

Trevor Diem

Katherine Simon Frank

David V. Goeddel

Robert L. Griess

Ben W. Heineman, Jr.

Sarah and Dan Hrdy

Evelyn L. Hu and David R. Clarke

Anthony Hunter

Kathryn S. and Peter S. Kim

Tadamitsu Kishimoto

James S. and Elinor G. A. Langer

Richard and Madeleine Lenski

Jane Lubchenco and Bruce Menge

Nancy A. Moran and Howard Ochman

Roslyn and Stuart H. Orkin

David and Linda Patterson

Adam G. Riess

Mary and Harvey* Sadow

Brian P. Schmidt

Jack W. Schuler

Charles J. Sherr and Martine F. Roussel

Maxine F. Singer

Deborah Szekely

Maury Tigner

Robert Tjian

Carl E. Wieman

Torsten N. Wiesel

Margaret Scarbrough Wilson

Owen N. Witte

James and Linda Ziglar

Huda and William Zoghbi

Anonymous (1)

$20,000 to $49,999

Jeanne Altmann

Nancy C. Andrews

Frances H. Arnold

Ruth and Ken Arnold

Kamla* and Bishnu S. Atal

K. Frank Austen*

John D. Baldeschwieler

Gordon Baym and Cathrine Blom

Arthur L. Beaudet

Joan W. Bennett

Robert G. and Wendy S. Bergman

Kenneth I. Berns*

R. Stephen* and Carla F. Berry

Floyd E. Bloom

Donald D. Brown*

Robert Bryant and Réymundo Garcia

Eugenio Calabi*

Thure Cerling and Mahala Kephart

Shukti and Aravinda Chakravarti

Martin Chalfie and Tulle Hazelrigg

Steven Chu

Michael and Adriana Clegg

Rita L. Colwell

R. James and Beverly Cook

Howard E. Cox, Jr

Linda A. and Nicholas* Cozzarelli

Elsebet Lund and James Dahlberg

Ingrid Daubechies and Robert Calderbank

Igor B.* and Keiko O. Dawid

Pablo G. Debenedetti

Johann Deisenhofer

Charles R. Denham

John E. Dowling

Meredith L. Dreiss

Carol S. Eicher and Daniel Ingram

Janan and John Eppig

Juan Enriquez

Charlotte and Gary Ernst

John Everets, Jr.

Gary Felsenfeld

Susan Fiske and Douglas S. Massey

G. David Forney, Jr.

Hans* and Verena Frauenfelder

Carl Frieden

Fred H. Gage

Joseph G. Gall

Richard L. and Lois E. Garwin

Robert Glushko and Pamela Samuelson

Shirley and Harry Gray

Mark Green and Kathryn Kert Green

Dan M. Gupta

Jeffrey C. Hall

Stephen C. Harrison

Caroline S. Harwood and E. Peter Greenberg

Philip C. Hanawalt

Margot and Robert Haselkorn

Arthur Hebard

Joseph F. Hoffman*

Lee Hood and Valerie Logan Hood

Susan Band Horwitz

Richard and Fleur Hynes

Ana and Jiri Jonas

David M. Karl

James and Diana Kennett

Linda and Stephen C. Kowalczykowski

Edward A. and Kathryn F. Kravitz


Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.

Patricia Kuhl and Andrew Meltzoff

Lois and Butler Lampson

Eileen Larkin

Joel L. Lebowitz

Anthony Leggett

I. Robert Lehman

Gene E. Likens

Marigold Linton and Robert Barnhill

Paul Locke

Sharon R. Long

R. Duncan* and Carolyn Scheer Luce

Thomas A. Mann

Stephanie P. Marshall

Bruce McEwen* and Karen Bulloch McEwen

Fred* and Tibby McLafferty

Christopher P. Michel

Kamal K. Midha

Sarah S. Mitchell

Molex Incorporated

John W. Morgan

Audrey Byrd Mosley

Catherine J. Murphy

Patricia S. Nettleship

Guy W. Nichols

William D. Nix

Lucio A. Noto

Gordon H. Orians

Joanne and Larry Overman

Claire L. Parkinson

Thomas and Patty Pollard

William H. Press and Jeffrey Howell

Roy Radner* and Charlotte Kuh

William J. Raduchel

Natasha Raikhel

Nancy B. and Mark A. Ratner

Peter H. Raven

John S. Reed

Charles M. Rice III

Robert Ricklefs

Lynn Riddiford and James Truman

R.G. Hamish Robertson

Ajay Royan

Erkki Ruoslahti

Collin W.* and Ann Scarborough

Richard Schoen and Doris Fisher-Colbrie

William R. Schowalter

Vern L. and Deanna D. Schramm

Christine E. Seidman

Jonathan G. Seidman

Phillip A. Sharp

Carla J. Shatz

Kevan Shokat and Deborah Kamali

Susan E. Siegel and Robert A. Reed

Kerry Sieh

Anne Swenson

Jeff Tarr, Sr.

Palmer and Susan Taylor

Linda Beth and James M. Tiedje

Matthew V. Tirrell

Alar Toomre

Olivia Tournay Flatto

Roxanne and Karl K.* Turekian

Cumrun and Afarin Vafa

Harold E. Varmus

Peter K. Vogt

Jay Scott Walker

Bob and Judy Waterman

Thomas E. Wellems and Marilyn I. Powell

James A. Wells and Carol Windsor

Susan E. Whitehead

George M. Whitesides

Ellen D. Williams

Ruth J. Williams and Bill Helton

Carl Wunsch

Robert E. Wycoff

Keith R. Yamamoto

Tilahun D. Yilma

Jim and Carole Young

Mary Lou and Mark D. Zoback

Anonymous (1)

NAM Society of the National Academy of Medicine

In recognition of members and friends of the National Academy of Medicine who have made lifetime contributions totaling $20,000 to $99,999 as of December 31, 2023. Boldfaced names are NAM members.

$75,000 to $99,999

George Barrett

John K. Castle

Rudi* and Sonja Schmid

Joan A. and Thomas A.* Steitz

Gail L. Warden

Ronald A. Williams

$50,000 to $74,999

Dyanne D. Affonso

John R. Ball

Paul Berg*

Maureen Bisognano

Stuart Bondurant* and Susan Ehringhaus

Joan and Purnell W.* Choppin

Fred E. Cohen and Carolyn B. Klebanoff

Graham A. Colditz and Patti L. Cox

Molly J. Coye

Bradford H. Gray

Tony Hunter

Kathryn S. and Peter S. Kim

Woodrow A. Myers, Jr.

Robert M. and Marilyn R. Nerem

Roslyn and Stuart H. Orkin

Kenneth I. Shine

Maxine F. Singer

Robert E. Tranquada

Walter and Marti Unger

Irving L. Weissman

Torsten N. Wiesel

Owen N. Witte

Huda and William Zoghbi

Anonymous (2)


Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
$20,000 to $49,999

Francois and Doris Abboud

Nancy C. Andrews

Nancy Adler* and Arnold Milstein

Frances H. Arnold

K. Frank Austen

Ruzena K. Bajcsy

Jack D. Barchas

William G. Barsan

Arthur L. Beaudet

Leslie Z. Benet

J. Claude Bennett

Kenneth I. Berns*

Mary and Dennis Bier

Floyd E. Bloom

Enriqueta C. Bond

Roger J. Bulger

Linda Burnes Bolton

Peggy and Thomas* Caskey

Shukti and Aravinda Chakravarti

Martin Chalfie and Tulle Hazelrigg

David R. and Jacklyn A. Challoner

Yu-Mei Y. Chao

Frank A. Chervenak

Mary Sue Coleman

Jane and Worth B.* Daniels, Jr.

Nathaniel E. David

Carlos del Río and Jeannette Guarner

Sue K. Donaldson

R. Gordon Douglas, Jr.

Johanna T. Dwyer

Martha P. and Mark C. Fishman

Linda P. Fried

Elena and Peter Fuentes-Afflick

Fred H. Gage

Norman and Deann Gant

Patricia A. Ganz

Richard L. and Lois E. Garwin

James R. Gavin III

Tony Gotto

Lewis R. Goldfrank

Margie and Larry A. Green

Ashley T. Haase

Eve Higginbotham and Frank Williams

Martha N. Hill

Lee Hood and Valerie Logan Hood

Susan Band Horwitz

William N. * and Joyce E. Hubbard

Betsy L. Humphreys

Steven E. Hyman

Richard and Fleur Hynes

Steven E. Human

Nancy S. and Thomas S. Inui

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Tadamitsu Kishimoto

Mary Anne Koda-Kimble

Keith P. Klugman

Edward A. and Kathryn F. Kravitz

Judith R. Lave

Cynthia and Robert Lawrence

Alan and Agnes Leshner

Ruth Watson Lubic

Patricia and George Lundberg

Christy and John Mack

JoAnn E. Manson

James S. and Judith M. Marks

Angela Barron McBride

Roger O. McClellan

Marie McCormick and Robert Blendon

Bruce McEwen* and Karen Bulloch McEwen

Elizabeth A. McGlynn

Terry McGuire

Kelle H. Moley

Van and Barbara Mow

Paul A. Offit

June E. Osborn

Herbert Pardes

Thomas and Patty Pollard

E. Albert Reece

Charles M. Rice III

Judith Rodin

Marco A. Royo

Erkki Ruoslahti

Vinod Sahney

Charles A. Sanders

Christine E. Seidman

Jonathan G. Seidman

Donna E. Shalala

Larry J. Shapiro

Phillip A. Sharp

Carla J. Shatz

Charles J. Sherr and Martine Roussel

Jacqueline and Henry Shinefield

Kevan Shokat and Deborah Kamali

Stephen M. Shortell

William and Janet Stead

Rosemary A. Stevens

David K. Stevenson

John D. Stobo

Jeff Tarr, Sr.

Palmer and Susan Taylor

Margie Malone Tuckson and Reed Tuckson

Harold Varmus

Peter K. Vogt

Myron and Linda Weisfeldt

Myrna M. Weissman

Thomas E. Wellems and Marilyn I. Powell

Nancy S. Wexler

C. Kern Wildenthal

Mary Woolley

Keith R. Yamamoto

Warren* and Nikki Zapol

Michael and Leslee Zubkoff

Anonymous (1)

Heritage Society

In recognition of members and friends who have included the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, or the National Academy of Medicine in their estate plans or who have made some other type of planned gift to the Academies as of December 31, 2023. Boldfaced names are NAS members or recipients of its Public Welfare Medal.

H. Norman and Idelle Abramson*

Gene M.* and Marian Amdahl

Joan* and Edward Anders

John C. Angus*

John and Elizabeth Armstrong

Norman R. Augustine

Jack D. Barchas

Harrison H. and Catherine C.* Barrett

Stanley Baum*

Clyde J. Behney

Ruth Behrens

C. Elisabeth Belmont

Daniel and Frances Berg

Paul Berg*

Bobbie A. Berkowitz

Elkan R.* and Gail F. Blout

Enriqueta C. Bond

John and Ariel Bowers

Daniel and Lana Branton

Robert and Lillian Brent*

Corale L. Brierley

James A. Brierley

Lenore and Rob Briskman

Kristine L. Bueche

George* and Virginia Bugliarello

Dorit Carmelli

Charles and Martha Casey

Peggy and Thomas* Caskey

Barbara and Don Chaffin

A. Ray Chamberlain

Linda and Frank Chisari

Rita K. Chow

Paul Citron and Margaret Carlson Citron


Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.

John A. Clements

Morrel H. Cohen

Stanley N. Cohen

Graham A. Colditz and Patti L. Cox

Ross and Stephanie Corotis

Ellis* and Bettsy Cowling

Barbara J. Culliton

Glen T. and Patricia B. Daigger

David and Susan Daniel

Tom and Bettie* Deen

Julie H. and Robert J. Desnick

Peter N. Devreotes

Ruth and Victor Dzau

Gerard W. Elverum

Dotty* and Gordon England

Emanuel and Peggy Epstein*

Harvey V. Fineberg and Mary E. Wilson

Tobie and Daniel J.* Fink

Bruce and Pat Finlayson

Robert C. and Marilyn G. Forney*

William L.* and Mary Kay Friend

Mitchell H. Gail and Ruth Pfeiffer

Arthur and Helen Geoffrion

Irma Gigli

Elizabeth and Paul H.* Gilbert

Martin E. and Lucinda Glicksman

George and Christine Gloeckler

Christa and Detlef Gloge

Joseph W. Goodman

Chushiro* and Yoshiko Hayashi

Jane Henney and Robert Graham

Bradford H. Gray

John G. Hildebrand and Gail D. Burd

John R. Howell and Susan Conway

Peter M. Howley

Catherine Adams Hutt and Peter Barton Hutt

Nancy S. and Thomas S. Inui

Anthony A. James and Cynthia K. French

Richard B. Johnston, Jr.

Anita K. Jones

Jerome Kagan*

Michael Katz and Robin J. Roy

Diana S. and Michael D. King

Michael D. Lairmore

Norma M. Lang

Brian A. Larkins

Joel L. Lebowitz

Marigold Linton and Robert Barnhill

Daniel P. Loucks

Ruth Watson Lubic

Thomas* and Caroline Maddock

Asad and Taj Madni

Rudolph A. Marcus

Pat and Jim McLaughlin

Jane Menken

Sharon and Arthur Money

Van and Barbara Mow

Mary O. Mundinger

Philip and Sima Needleman

Norman F. Ness*

Ronald and Joan Nordgren

Godrey P. Oakley

Gilbert S. Omenn and Martha A. Darling

Bradford W. and Virginia W. Parkinson

Zack T. Pate*

Neil and Barbara Pedersen

Cathy and Paul S.* Peercy

Thomas and Patty Pollard

James J. Reisa, Jr.

Emanuel P. Rivers

Richard J.* and Bonnie B. Robbins

Eugene and Ruth Roberts*

Julie and Alton D. Romig, Jr.

James F. Roth*

Esther and Lewis* Rowland

Sheila A. Ryan

Paul R. Schimmel

Stuart F. Schlossman

Rudi* and Sonja Schmid

Vern L. and Deanna D. Schramm

Susan C. Scrimshaw

Kenneth I. Shine

Arnold and Constance Stancell

H. Eugene Stanley

Harold Stark

Rosemary A. Stevens

John and Janet Swanson

Esther Sans Takeuchi

Walter and Marti Unger

Robert and Robyn Wagoner

John C. Wall

Patricia Bray-Ward and David C. Ward*

Clare M. Waterman

Myron and Linda Weisfeldt

Robert* and Joan Wertheim

C. Kern Wildenthal

Gail and Robert Wilensky

Richard Witter

Maw-Kuen Wu

Wm. A. Wulf*

Tilahun D. Yilma

Michael and Leslee Zubkoff

Anonymous (3)

Loyalty Society

In recognition of members and friends who have made gifts to the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, or the National Academy of Medicine for 20 years or more as of December 31, 2023. Boldfaced names are NAS members.

Francois M. Abboud

H. Norman and Idelle Abramson*

Andreas and Juana Acrivos

Stephen Adler

Dyanne D. Affonso

Bruce and Betty Alberts

Barbara W. Alpert

Lawrence K. Altman

John and Pat Anderson

Wyatt W. Anderson*

John C. Angus*

John and Elizabeth Armstrong

Edward M. Arnett*

Joan K. Austin

K. Frank Austen*

Arthur B. and Carol Baggeroer

Donald W. Bahr

John R. Ball

Robert W. Balluffi*

Jack D. Barchas

William A. Bardeen

Clyde F. Barker

Jeremiah A. Barondess

Angela Barron McBride

Gordon Baym and Cathrine Blom

Zdenek P. Bazant

Terry and Roger N. Beachy

Marlene and Georges Belfort

Gordon Bell

Leslie Z. Benet

Paul Berg*

Kenneth I. Berns*

Carla F. Berry

Mina J. Bissell

Marie McCormick and Robert Blendon

Floyd E. Bloom

Jack L. Blumenthal

Barry W. Boehm*


Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.

Enriqueta C. Bond

Richard J. Bonnie

Lillian C. Borrone

Kathleen and H. Kent Bowen

Thompson Bowles

Lewis M. Branscomb*

John and Sharon Brauman

W.F. Brinkman

Alan C. Brown*

Donald D. Brown*

Joseph A. Buckwalter

Kathleen Coen Buckwalter

Kristine L. Bueche

Jack E. Buffington

George* and Virginia Bugliarello

Martin Bukovac

Eugenio Calabi*

James D. Callen

Federico Capasso and Paola Salvini-Capasso

François Castaing*

Webster and Jill Cavenee

Barbara and Don Chaffin

David R. and Jacklyn A. Challoner

Rita K. Chow

Ralph J.* and Carol M. Cicerone

George W.* and Charlotte Clark

Michael and Adriana Clegg

John A. Clements

Linda Hawes Clever

Marshall H. Cohen

Morrel H. Cohen

Mary Sue Coleman

Barry and Bobbi Coller

R. John Collier

Richard A. Conway

R. James and Beverly Cook

Max D. Cooper

Nicholas R.* and Linda A. Cozzarelli

Pedro M. Cuatrecasas

Roy Curtiss and Josephine* Clark-Curtiss

William H. Danforth*

G. Brent and Sharon A. Dalrymple

James E. Darnell, Jr.

Ruth David and Stan Danis

Lance and Susan Davis

Igor B.* and Keiko O. Dawid

Pablo G. Debenedetti

Mary and Raymond Decker

Tom and Bettie* Deen

Roman W. DeSanctis

Julie H. and Robert J. Desnick

Don E. Detmer

William H. Dietz

Salvatore DiMauro

Nicholas M. Donofrio

Albert A. Dorman*

Irwin Dorros

Earl H. Dowell

R. Gordon Douglas, Jr.

E. Linn Draper, Jr.

James J. Duderstadt

Lewis S. Edelheit

David and Lucy T. Eisenberg

Robert and Ingrid Eisenman

Gerard W. Elverum

Emanuel and Peggy Epstein*

Robert M. Epstein

W. G. Ernst

John V. Evans

Thomas E. Everhart

Gary Felsenfeld

Stanley Fields

Harvey V. Fineberg and Mary E. Wilson

Tobie and Daniel J.* Fink

Delbert A. and Beverly C. Fisher

Susan Fiske and Douglas S. Massey

Edith M. Flanigen

Kent V. Flannery and Joyce Marcus

Samuel C. Florman*

G. David Forney, Jr.

Harold K.* and Betty Forsen

Henry W. Foster, Jr.*

T. Kenneth Fowler

Hans* and Verena Frauenfelder

Carl Frieden

William L.* and Mary Kay Friend

Douglas W. and Margaret P. Fuerstenau

Fred H. Gage

Mitchell H. Gail

Theodore V. Galambos

Joseph G. Gall

Elisabeth Gantt

Ronald L. Geer*

E. Peter Geiduschek*

Lou and Robin Gerstner

Nan and Chuck* Geschke

John P. Geyman

Elizabeth and Paul H.* Gilbert

David Ginsburg

David V. Goeddel

Lewis R. Goldfrank

Richard J. Goldstein*

Joseph W. Goodman

Richard M. Goody*

Enoch Gordis

Emil C. Gotschlich*

Roy W. Gould*

Bradford H. Gray

Shirley and Harry Gray

Margie and Larry A. Green

John S. Greenspan*

Robert B. Griffiths

Paul F. Griner

Michael Grossman

Hermann K. Gummel*

Edward E. Hagenlocker

Philip C. Hanawalt

Wesley L. Harris

Stanley R. Hart

Robert Mason Hauser

Janina and Siegfried Hecker

Donald R. Helinski

Adam Heller

John L. Hennessy

Jane Henney and Robert Graham

Arthur H. Heuer

George J. Hirasaki

John P. Hirth

David* and Susan Hodges

Joseph F. Hoffman*

Frank Hole

Edward E. Hood, Jr.*

Thomas F. Hornbein*

Peter M. Howley

Sarah and Dan Hrdy

Catherine Adams Hutt and Peter Barton Hutt

Richard and Fleur Hynes

Nancy S. and Thomas S. Inui

Robert L.* and Anne K. James

Paul C. Jennings

James O. Jirsa

Donald L. Johnson

Frank and Pam Joklik

Anita K. Jones

Marshall G. Jones

Paul and Julie Kaminski

Melvin F. Kanninen

John and Wilma Kassakian

Samuel L. Katz and Catherine* M. Wilfert

James R.* and Isabelle Katzer

K.I. Kellermann

Charles F. Kennel

James and Diana Kennett

Judson and Jeanne King

Miles V. Klein*

Albert S. and Elizabeth M. Kobayashi

Bill and Ann Koros

Andrew H. Knoll

Joanne Knopoff

Jill Howell Kramer

Edward A. and Kathryn F. Kravitz

James L. Lammie*

Norma M. Lang

James S. and Elinor G.A. Langer

Louis J. and M. Yvonne DeWolf Lanzerotti

Joyce C. Lashof*

Gerald and Doris Laubach

Judith R. Lave

Cynthia and Robert Lawrence


Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.

Marvin & Annette Lee Foundation: David Lee, Trustee

Anthony Leggett

Ellen Lehman

I. Robert Lehman

Margaret A. LeMone

Alan and Agnes Leshner

Johanna M.H. Levelt Sengers*

Howard Leventhal

Gene E. Likens

Peter W. Likins

Nathan and Barbara Liskov

Jack E. Little

Robert G. Loewy

J. Ross Macdonald

Anthony P. Mahowald

Donald C. Malins

Vincent T. Marchesi

Rudolph A. Marcus

Robert C. Marini

Margo P. Marshak

Ida M. Martinson

Robert D. Maurer

William C. Maurer

Roger O. McClellan

Marie McCormick and Robert Blendon

Christopher F. McKee

Marcia K. McNutt

Sabeeha Merchant and Randy Schekman

Richard A. Meserve

James K.* and Holly T. Mitchell

Duncan T. Moore

Peter B. Moore

Joel Moses*

John H. Moxley III

Sezaki K. Mtingwa

Darla and George E.* Mueller

Earll M. Murman

Elaine Nadler

Albert Narath*

Jaya and Venky Narayanamurti

Philip* and Sima Needleman

John Neerhout, Jr.

Stuart O. Nelson

Liz and Ben Neufeld

Elena and Stuart Nightingale

William D. Nix

Ronald and Joan Nordgren

Charles P. O’Brien

Gilbert S. Omenn and Martha A. Darling

Gordon H. Orians

Jeremiah P. Ostriker

Joanne and Larry Overman

Larry* and Carol Papay

Barbara H. Partee

Robert E. Patricelli

Aliene and Thomas K. Perkins

Karl S. Pister*

Jeffrey L. Platt

Thomas and Patty Pollard

Deborah E. Powell

William F. Powers

Michael Prats

William H. Press and Jeffrey Howell

Roberta and Edwin Przybylowicz

Roy Radner* and Charlotte Kuh

Eli Reshotko

Kenneth A. Ribet and Lisa R. Goldberg

Charles C. Richardson

Jerome G. Rivard

Bernard I. Robertson

Julie and Alton D. Romig, Jr.

Martine F. Roussel

Erkki Ruoslahti

Vinod K. Sahney

Steven B.* and Kathryn B. Sample

Linda S. Sanford

Maxine L. Savitz

R. Duncan* and Carolyn Scheer Luce

Joseph E. Scherger

Gerold L. Schiebler

Richard Schoen and Doris Fischer-Colbrie

William R. Schowalter

Sara Lee and Axel Schupf

Henry G. Schwartz

Lyle H. Schwartz

Mischa Schwartz

John H. Schwarz

Robert J. Serafin

F. Stan Settles

Iris R. Shannon*

Larry J. Shapiro

Charles J. Sherr

Kenneth I. Shine

Stephen M. Shortell

Edward H. Shortliffe

Arnold H. Silver

Maxine F. Singer

Jack M. Sipress

Harold C. and Carol H. Sox

Patricia G. Spear

Robert F. and Lee S. Sproull

Georges C. St. Laurent, Jr.

Raymond S. Stata

Richard J. and Bobby Ann Stegemeier

Gunter Stein

Joan A. Steitz

Rosemary A. Stevens

Kenneth H. Stokoe

Edward C. Stone

Richard G. Strauch

Lubert and Andrea Stryer

F. William Studier

Norman Sutin*

James M. Symons

Charlotte and Morris* Tanenbaum

Samuel O. Thier

James M. Tien and Ellen S. Weston

Maury Tigner

Neil E. Todreas

Alvin Trivelpiece*

Michael S. Turner

Roy and Diana Vagelos

Harold Varmus

Charles M.* and Rebecca M. Vest

Andrew and Erna* Viterbi

Peter K. Vogt

Peter and Josephine von Hippel

Thomas H. and Dee M. Vonder Haar

Irving T. Waaland*

Robert and Robyn Wagoner

David B.* and Marvalee H. Wake

Edward E. Wallach

Steven J. Wallach

Gail L. Warden

George D. Watkins

John T. and Diane M. Watson

Sheldon Weinig

Herbert Weissbach

Jasper A. Welch, Jr.

Raymond P. White, Jr.

Robert M. White

Mavis and Robert M.* White

Ward O. Winer

Evelyn M. Witkin*

Owen N. Witte

Edgar S. Woolard, Jr.

Wm. A. Wulf*

Carl Wunsch

Tachi* and Leslie Yamada

Ben T. Zinn

Michael and Leslee Zubkoff

Anonymous (2)


Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.

Great Hall Societ

The Great Hall Society, the National Academies’ leadership annual giving society, recognizes donors at two levels: the silver level, for annual gifts totaling $5,000–$9,999, and the gold level, for annual gifts totaling $10,000 or more. Annual funding provides resources that support ongoing activities and outreach efforts while also enabling the National Academies to respond to emerging issues facing our nation and world in a timely manner. We gratefully acknowledge the following members and friends who joined this society during the 2023 calendar year. Boldfaced names are NAS members.

Gold Level ($10,000+)

H. Norman Abramson*

Alice Merner Agogino

Bruce and Betty Alberts

John and Pat Anderson

John and Elizabeth Armstrong

Ruzena K. Bajcsy

Forest Baskett III

Donald and Joan Beall

Gordon Bell

May R. Berenbaum

Mariel and Lutz Birnbaumer

Rudy and Anna Bonaparte

Anjan and Francy Bose

John and Sharon Brauman

Sharon K. Brauman

Corale Brierley

James A. Brierley

Rodney A. Brooks

Kristine L. Bueche

George* and Virginia Bugliarello

Robert L. Byer

Eugen and Cleopatra Cabuz

Sigrid and Vint Cerf

Sebastian Ceria

Chau-Chyun and Li-Li Chen

Joe H. and Doris W. L. Chow

Margaret S.Y. Chu and Tze-Yao Chu

John and Assia Cioffi

George W.* and Charlotte Clark

James H. Clark

Fred E. Cohen and Carolyn B. Klebanoff

Graham A. Colditz and Patti L. Cox

Ross and Stephanie Corotis

Roy Curtiss and Josephine Clark-Curtiss*

Ruth David and Stan Dains

Aart de Geus and Esther John

Jeffrey Dean and Heidi Hopper

Jody W. Deming

David and Miriam Donoho

Fiona M. Doyle

Bonnie J. Dunbar

Ruth and Victor Dzau

James O. Ellis, Jr., and Elisabeth Paté-Cornell

Dotty* and Gordon England

Delores M. Etter

Edward H. Frank and Sarah G. Ratchye

David A. Friedman and Paulette J. Meyer

Douglas W. and Margaret P. Fuerstenau

Lou and Robin Gerstner

Nan and Chuck* Geschke

Martin E. and Lucinda Glicksman

Joan H. Goldberg

Joseph W. Goodman

Susan L. Graham and Michael A. Harrison

Dianne Greene and Mendel Rosenblum

Robert L. Griess

Jerome H.* and Barbara N. Grossman

Deborah L. Grubbe and James B. Porter, Jr.

John O. and Candace E. Hallquist

Margaret A. Hamburg and Peter F. Brown

Wesley L. Harris

Joshua M. Hauser

Robert Mason Hauser

John L. Hennessy

Jane Henney and Robert Graham

Robert A. Hicks*

Eve Higginbotham and Frank Williams

John G. Hildebrand and Gail D. Burd

Lyda Hill

Teh C. Ho

Chad and Ann Holliday

Mark Horowitz

Bahman Hoveida

Jackie and Freeman Hrabowski

Sarah and Dan Hrdy

Yingzhi and Xuedong (XD) Huang

Yijing and Nils Hultgren

Scott J. Hultgren, Ph.D.

Michael W. Hunkapiller

Mary Jane and Vernon Irwin

Irwin and Joan Jacobs

Anthony A. James and Cynthia K. French

Kathleen Jamieson

Frank and Pam Joklik

Robert E. Kahn and Patrice A. Lyons

Fred Kavli*

Brian W. Kernighan

David B. Kirk

Mary Anne Koda-Kimble

Jill Howell Kramer

David J. Kuck

H.T. and Ling-Ling Kung

Wook Hyun Kwon

David C. Larbalestier

Edward D. Lazowska and Lyndsay C. Downs

Michael S. Levine

Rebecca Liebert

Robert Litterman

Chen-Ching Liu and Hiromi Okumura

Jock D. Mackinlay

Azad M. and Carla C. Madni

Roger L. McCarthy

John F. McDonnell

Robin K. and Rose M. McGuire

Larry V. McIntire

Nicholas W. McKeown

Marcia K. McNutt

Sabeeha Merchant and Randy Schekman

Richard A. Meserve

Robert M. Metcalfe

James K. Mitchell*

Charles W. Moorman

Cherry A. Murray

Narayana and Sudha Murty

Jaya and Venky Narayanamurti

Philip* and Sima Needleman

Ronald and Joan Nordgren

Roslyn and Stuart H. Orkin

John and Rita Ousterhout

Thomas and Jo Overbye

Larry* and Carol Papay

David and Linda Patterson

Cathy and Paul S.* Peercy

Fernando C. Pereira

Jonathan B. and Donna J. Perlin

Julia M. Phillips and John A. Connor

Dana A. Powers

Srilatha and Prabhakar Raghavan

Richard F. and Terri W. Rashid

Buddy Ratner and Cheryl Cromer


Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.

Emanuel P. Rivers, M.D., M.P.H.

Ronald L. Rivest

C. Ruth and Eugene Roberts*

Anne K. Roby

Julie and Alton D. Romig, Jr.

Howie Rosen and Susan Doherty

Jonathan J. Rubinstein

Henry and Susan Samueli

Linda S. Sanford

Jose G. Santiesteban

Maxine L. Savitz

Charles L. Sawyers

Sophie Sawyers

Mary Schafrik

Wendy and Eric Schmidt

Sara Lee and Axel Schupf

Carla J. Shatz

Jacqueline and Henry Shinefield

Kevan Shokat and Deborah Kamali

Heung-Yeung (Harry) Shum and Ka Yan Chan

Pradeep Sindhu and Marie Bertrand

Gurindar and Marilyn Sohi

Carol H. and Harold C. Sox

Alfred Z. Spector and Rhonda G. Kostt

Robert F. and Lee S. Sproull

Gisela T. Storz and Carl Wu

Lisa T. Su

Mary and Charles Sukup

Thomas and Marilyn Sutton

James M. Tien and Ellen S. Weston

Jean Tom

Katherine K. and John J. Tracy

Cody and Richard Truly

Roy and Diana Vagelos

Andrew and Erna* Viterbi

John C. Wall

David Walt and Michele May

Irving L. Weissman

Myrna M. Weissman

Harvey V. Fineberg and Mary E. Wilson

Donald and Linda Winter

William Woodburn

Hao Wu

Murty V.V.S. and Bhavani Yalla

Leslie D. Yamada

Tilahun D. Yilma

Yannis and Sheryl Yortsos

Adrian* and Sandra Zaccaria

Elias A. Zerhouni

Jie Zhang

Charles F. Zukoski

Anonymous (4)

Silver Level ($5,000-$9,999)

John E. Abele

Linda M. Abriola and Larry M. Albert

Ilesanmi and Patience Adesida

Huda Akil

Ann and Monty Alger

David J. Allstot

Jeanne Altmann

Nancy C. Andrews

Frances H. Arnold

Barbara F. Atkinson

Dale E. Bauman

Terry and Roger N. Beachy

Arthur L. Beaudet

Marlene and Georges Belfort

Leslie Z. Benet

Daniel and Frances Berg

Jeffrey A. Bluestone

Mark T. Bohr

John C. Boothroyd

Gopa and Arindam Bose

Ralph L. Brinster

Jeanne Brooks-Gunn

Martin J. Bukovac

Christopher B. Burke

Jeffrey P. Buzen

Emily A. Carter

Charles and Martha Casey

Lili Cheng

Paul Citron and Margaret Carlson Citron

Natalie W. Crawford

Matthew Crommett

Steven L. and Karen L. Crouch

Lance and Susan Davis

Carl de Boor

Johann Deisenhofer

Carlos del Río and Jeannette Guarner

Joseph L. DeRisi

Peter Dervan and Jacqueline Barton

Julie H. and Robert J. Desnick

Sue K. Donaldson

Johanna T. Dwyer

Bob and Ann Dynes

Abbas El Gamal

Janan and John Eppig

Thomas E. Everhart

Bruce and Pat Finlayson

Robert C. and Marilyn G. Forney*

Stephen R. Forrest

Stephen A. Fuselier and Elizabeth A. Packer

Alec D. Gallimore and Reates K. Curry

James R. Gavin III

Julie L. Gerberding

Gary J. Goldberg

Gary Gottlieb and Derri Shtasel

Richard A. Gottscho

E. Peter Greenberg and Caroline S. Harwood

Mary Lou Guerinot and Rob McClung

Eliyahou Harari

Arthur Hebard

Timothy M. Heckman

Janet G. Hering

Julie E. Herzig-Desnick

Martha N. Hill

Tony Hunter

James O. Jirsa

Trina and Michael Johns

Christopher T. Jones

David J. Julius and Holly A. Ingraham

Paul and Julie Kaminski

Sylvia Karasu

Michael B. Kastan

Dennis V. Kent

Darrell G. Kirch

Tadamitsu Kishimoto

Eric I. and Phyllis F. Knudsen

William I. Koch

Kent Kresa

Patricia Kuhl and Andrew Meltzoff

Lewis L. Lanier

Agnes F. Leshner

Alan and Agnes Leshner

Guru Madhavan and Ramya Ramaswami

David A. Markle

David and Diane Matlock

Jo-Ann and John McDonald

Elizabeth A. McGlynn

Nell Mirels*

Piotr D. Moncarz

Earll M. Murman

Michael A. Mussallem

Omkaram Nalamasu

Vasant Narasimhan

David R. Nygren

Ellen Ochoa

Matt O’Donnell

Angela Villela Olinto

Roberto Padovani

Anna C. Pai

Claire L. Parkinson

Wayne Pfeiffer

Michael E. Phelps

Mark Prausnitz

William H. Press and Jeffrey Howell

Louis J. Ptacek

John F. and Diane Reid

Jennifer Rexford

Charles M. Rice III

David K. Robinson


Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.

Ronald S. Robinson

Judith Rodin

Mary Ann and Thomas Romesser

Henry M. Rowan*

Roberta L. Rudnick

Anil K. Sachdev

S. S. Sastry

Donna and Jan Schilling

Fred B. Schneider and Mimi Bussan

Lyle H. Schwartz

Sharon and Norman Scott

Christine E. Seidman

Jonathan G. Seidman

Larry J. Shapiro

Mary M. Shaw

Thomas B. Sheridan

Dieter Söll

David K. Stevenson

John D. Stobo

Jerome F. Strauss III

F. William Studier

Gerald J. Sussman

Anne Swenson

Gaye and Alan Taub

Linda Beth and James M. Tiedje

Maury Tigner

Claire J. Tomlin

John R. Treichler

Scott D. Tremaine

David M. and Elaine Van Wie

Suzanne M. Vautrinot

Robert and Robyn Wagoner

Stanley J. Watson

Thomas E. Wellems and Marilyn I. Powell

Carl E. Wieman

Ward O. and Mary Jo Winer

Owen N. Witte

Mary Woolley

Margaret M. Wu

Jie Xue

Keith R. Yamamoto

William and Sherry Young

Gary P. Zank


Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.

Foundations, Corporations, and Other Organizations 2023 Gifts and Grants

We gratefully acknowledge the following foundations, corporations, and other organizations that provided funding of $5,000 or more in 2023 to support the work of the National Academy of Sciences and The National Academy of Medicine.

23 and Me, Inc.

3M Company



Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Academy of Orthopedic Physical Therapy

Acadia Pharmaceuticals

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education

Ace Fitness

Advance Regenerative Mfg Inst

A-G Associates, Inc.

Allen Institute

Alzheimer’s Association

Amalgamated Foundation

American Academy of Family Physicians

American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine

American Academy of Nursing

American Academy of Orofacial Pain

American Academy of Pediatrics

American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

American Academy of Physician Assistants

American Board of Family Medicine

American Cancer Society, Inc.

American Council of Academic Physical Therapy Inc.

American Dental Association

American Endowment Foundation

American Feed Industry Association, Inc.

The American Gift Fund

American Heart Association

American Hospital Association

American Medical Association

American Neurological Association

American Nurses Association

American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.

American Petroleum Institute

American Society of Anesthesiologists

American Society of Clinical Oncology

American Society of Health System Pharmacists

American University in Cairo

The American Veterinary Medical Association

Argonne National Laboratory

Arnold Ventures

Association for Molecular Pathology, Inc.

Association of American Medical Colleges

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials

AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP

Atrium Health

Bainum Family Foundation

Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund

Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


The Beall Family Foundation

Bell Family Foundation

Benevity Community Impact Fund

Bezos Family Foundation

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Biogen, Inc.

Blue Cross Blue Shield Assocoation

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

Blue Shield of California Foundation

Board of Regents - University of Nevada System

Boehringer Ingelheim Corporation

Boenning & Scattergood, Inc.

Brain Injury Association

Breakthrough Energy

Breakthrough Prize Foundation

Brigham and Women’s Hospital

BrightFocus Foundation

Bristol-Myers Squibb Company

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Brown University

Burke Foundation

Burroughs Wellcome Fund

The California Endowment

California Health Care Foundation

California Institute of Technology

California State University

Carnegie Corporation of New York

Carnegie Mellon University

Catholic Health Association of the United States

CDC Foundation, Inc.

Cedars Sinai Medical Center

Cerevel Therapeutics

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Foundation


The Coca-Cola Company

Cohen Veterans Bioscience

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Colgate-Palmolive Company

College of American Pathologists

Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.

Columbia University

Combined Jewish Philanthropies

Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education

The Commonwealth Fund

Community Foundation of Texas

Concussion Legacy Foundation

Cornell University

The Council of Medical Specialty Societies

Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, Inc.

Council on Social Work Education

CVS Health

D. E. Shaw Research, LLC

Danaher Corporation

The Dannon Company

Deere & Company

The Doctors Company Foundation

Doris Duke Foundation

Duke University

East Bay Community Foundation

EcoHealth Alliance

Edison Electric Institute

Elevance Health, Inc.

Eli Lilly and Company

Emergency Nurses Association

Energy Foundation

Epic Systems

Essential Hospitals Institute

ExxonMobil Corporation

Faegre Drinker Biddle

FasterCures/The Center for Accelerating Medical Solutions

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Flatiron Health

Florida Atlantic University

The Ford Foundation

Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research

Foundation Health Systems

Friends of Cancer Research

Frontiers Research Foundation

Gates Ventures LLC

Gatsby Charitable Foundation

Geisinger Health System

General Mills, Inc.

Genome Medical Holding Company

The George Washington University

Georgia Institute of Technology

Golden Star Technology, Inc.

Google LLC

William T. Grant Foundation

Greater Horizons

Greater Kansas City Community Foundation

Greater Washington Community Foundation

Harmony Biosciences LLC

The John A. Hartford Foundation, Inc.

Harvard University

Healing Works Foundation

Health Canada

Healthcare Alliance for Patient Safety

Healthcare Distribution Alliance

Healthcare Ready

Henry M. Jackson Foundation

Hurlock Marketing Enterprises


Illumina, Inc.


Infectious Diseases Society of America

Institute for Feed Education and Research

Institute of International Education, Inc.

International Business Machines Corporation

International Society for Cellular Therapy

J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund

The Jackson Laboratory

Janssen Research & Development, LLC

Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona

Jewish Community Foundation San Diego

The Johns Hopkins University

Johnson and Johnson Inc.

The Joint Commission

The JPB Foundation

Kansas State University

The Kavli Foundation

W.M. Keck Foundation

W. K. Kellogg Foundation

The Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


L’Oreal USA, Inc.


Los Angeles Community College District

Richard Lounsbery Foundation

The Lubin Family Foundation

The Henry Luce Foundation


Mars Incorporated

Mars Overseas

Massachusetts General Hospital

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Massachusetts Medical Society

Mazzetti Inc.

Medical College of Wisconsin

Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.

Medtronic, Inc.

Merck & Company, Inc.

Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Disease

Michigan State University

Microsoft Corporation

Milbank Memorial Fund

Minderoo Foundation

Missouri Foundation for Health

The Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation

MITRE Corporation

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Morgan Stanley Gift (REN/Pinkaloo)

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc

Morgan Stanley

National Academies of Practice

National Academy of Sciences

National Association of County and City Health Officials

National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians

National Association of Social Workers

National Board of Medical Examiners

National Corn Growers Association

National Council for Behavioral Health

National Council of State Boards of Nursing

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization

National Institutes of Health

National League for Nursing, Inc.

National Register of Health Service Psychologists

National Society of Genetic Counselors

New Venture Fund

New York State Health Foundation

New York Stem Cell Foundation

New York University Langone Medical Center

Northwestern University

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation

Novo Nordisk

Obesity Action Coalition

The Obesity Society

Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.

F. W. Olin Foundation

Onconova Therapeutics, Inc.

One Mind for Research

Orofacial Therapeutics

Pacific Northwest Laboratory

Partnership for a Healthier America

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute

Peterson Center on Healthcare

The Pew Charitable Trusts

Pfizer, Inc.

Physician Assistant Education Association

Princeton University

The Procter & Gamble Company

Pulitzer Center

Purdue University

Radiological Society of North America

Rancho Santiago Community College

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

The Rhodes Trust

Rita Allen Foundation

Riverside Research

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Rockefeller Family Fund

The Rockefeller Foundation

RTI International

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Saint Louis Community Foundation

The Salk Institute for Biological Studies

The San Francisco Foundation


Schmidt Futures

Schwab Charitable Fund

Siemens Corporation

Silicon Valley Community Foundation

The Simons Foundation

Vesto M. Slipher Charitable Trust

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Smith College

Society for Simulation in Healthcare

Society of Clinical and Adolescent Psychology

Spelman College

Springer Nature

Stanford University

Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation, Inc.

Stifel Charitable Inc.

Takeda Pharmaceuticals

Texas A&M AgriLife Research

Texas A&M Transportation Institute

TMJ Association

Trauma Center Association of America, Inc.

Trust for America’s Health

Tufts University

U.S. Green Building Council

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.

Universal Music Group

Universities Research Association

University Health Network

The University of Arizona

University of California, Davis

University of California, Riverside

University of California, San Diego

Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.

University of California, San Francisco

University of California, Santa Cruz

University of California

The University of Chicago

University of Cincinnati

University of Florida

University of Idaho

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

University of Kansas

University of Lucerne

University of Maryland Faculty Physicians, Inc.

University of Miami

University of Michigan

University of Minnesota

University of Nevada

The University of New Mexico

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

University of Southern California

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

University of Texas, El Paso

University of Vermont Medical Center

University of Virginia

University of Wisconsin System

Vanderbilt University

Vanguard Charitable

Verily Life Sciences

Virginia State University

Vivantech, Inc. (DBA Streamlyne)

Walmart Inc.

Washington State University

Waymo LLC

The Wellcome Trust

Wellesley College

Gary and Mary West Foundation

Widener University

Yale University

Zerhouni Family Charitable Foundation, Inc.

We have made every effort to list donors accurately and according to their wishes. If we have made an error, please accept our apologies, and contact the Office of Development at 202.334.2431 so that we may correct our records.

Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
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Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
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Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
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Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
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Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
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Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
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Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
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Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
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Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
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Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
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Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
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Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
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Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
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Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
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Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
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Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
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Suggested Citation:"II. Private Contributions." National Academy of Sciences. 2024. Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27783.
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 Report of the Treasurer: For the Year Ended December 31, 2023
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This Report of the Treasurer of the National Academy of Sciences presents the financial position and results of operations as well as a review of the endowment and other long-term investments portfolio activities of our Academy for the year ended December 31, 2023.


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