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Pages 1-10

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From page 1...
... CAUSES OF UTILITY ISSUES DURING CONSTRUCTION Literature Review A literature review focused on practices and issues related to utility-related impacts on project delivery as well as construction and utility inspection practices. Common factors mentioned included utility relocation delays; differing site conditions (DSCs)
From page 2...
... . • Delays getting utility owners to schedule utility relocations (11 percent)
From page 3...
... Some utility relocations were included in the highway contract. For nonjoint-bid relocations, the CEI consultant highlighted the need for extra coordination with utility owners because the contractor wanted to work on several fronts simultaneously.
From page 4...
... The research team conducted a review of several data collection apps for mobile devices. Of interest were apps that enable users to complete activities such as, but not limited to collecting data using preestablished feature classes and drop-down lists; comparing planned versus as-built locations; gathering unstructured point, line, and polygon data; collecting picture sets and light detection and ranging (LiDAR)
From page 5...
... RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations Prior to Letting Conduct utility investigations systematically. A recommended practice is to conduct utility investigations as early as possible during project delivery, with each quality level contributing to a reduction in the level of uncertainty about utility facility locations depending on project needs.
From page 6...
... Having a construction engineer review utility conflicts and utility relocation plans helps with the identification of issues that utility relocations might face in the field as well as issues the highway contractor might find during construction. Effective constructability reviews often involve utility owners.
From page 7...
... assembles elements from the utility relocation plans and utility relocation schedules into one document to create a narrative that explains how the highway construction can be affected and specific steps to manage those impacts. UCPs focus primarily on utility relocations that are not included in the highway contract under the assumption that the construction bid package already includes all the necessary information for in-contract utility relocations.
From page 8...
... For small projects or projects that do not have complex utility relocation issues, including utility owners in the highway preconstruction meeting is certainly advisable. For large highway construction projects, or in situations that involve complex utility issues to address during construction, it is best to schedule a separate utility preconstruction meeting.
From page 9...
... Research extending the use of AI models to all other reasons that cause change orders and claims, coupled with a judicious manual review of a significant sample of change order records, would help DOTs in developing a much more accurate understanding of what is causing change orders. The research would also produce an updated classification of change order reason codes and recommendations to improve change order descriptions.
From page 10...
... Developing and testing the BIM architecture for utility facilities must comply with existing and emerging data exchange industry standards.

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