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Pages 102-111

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From page 102...
... House of Sweden, 2900 K Street, NW, Washington, DC The Embassy of Sweden in Washington, DC and the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensics Research Lab co-hosted a discussion on the importance of fighting disinformation, its underlying challenges, and its societal effects. Having an awareness of how to identify, understand, and counteract adverse/malign information influence activities is becoming increasingly important.
From page 103...
... E Karin Olofsdotter, Ambassador of Sweden to the United States Martin Chalfie, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2008, Columbia University Magnus Hjort, Director General, Swedish Psychological Defence Agency Rebekah Tromble, Director, Institute for Data, Democracy & Politics, George Washington University Catrin Huss, Senior Advisor, Swedish Psychological Defence Agency 9:00–10:00 am Regulate?
From page 104...
... ') initiative, Jordan Dickson Matulula, CRS project, Katoba Youth Climate Champions, Zambia 104 | NOBEL PRIZE SUMMIT
From page 105...
... The actors involved come from both the formal and the informal education sectors. The program included welcome remarks and presentations, including Scientific Thinking for All: A new Curriculum for Critical Thinking; Smithsonian Science for Global Goals: Building Truth, Trust, and Hope in Science through Community Based Transdisciplinary Learning; Student Video Showcase: Smithsonian Science for Global Goals, as well as panel discussions relating to The Role of Transdisciplinary Education in The Development of an Evidence-Based Worldview.
From page 106...
... Moderator: Carol O'Donnell, Director, Smithsonian Science Education Center, Smithsonian Institution Speakers: Marcia McNutt, President, National Academy of Sciences Vidar Helgesen, Executive Director, Nobel Foundation Carol O'Donnell, Director, Smithsonian Science Education Center Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary General, OECD and PISA Jonathan Osborne, Professor Emeritus, Stanford University Saul Perlmutter, Nobel Prize laureate; Professor, Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, Critical Thinking Project Laura Sprechmann, CEO, Nobel Prize Outreach Heidi Gibson, Science Curriculum Developer, Smithsonian Science Education Center Katherine Blanchard, Assistant Division Director, Smithsonian Science Education Center Anita Krishnamurthi, Board of Nobel Prize Outreach and President, Collective for Youth Empowerment in STEM & Society, Afterschool Alliance Ann Friedman, Founder and CEO, Planet Word 10:00–10:45 am Deceptive Design Workshop Hosted by Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue and the Electronic Privacy Information Center, and the Minderoo 106 | NOBEL PRIZE SUMMIT
From page 107...
... Moderator: Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad, Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue Speakers: Ann Kristin Glenster, Senior Policy Advisor, Minderoo Centre for Technology and Democracy, University of Cambridge John Davisson, Director of Litigation and Senior Counsel, Electronic Privacy Information Center Harry Brignull, Head of Innovation, Smart Pension and Founder, Kat Zhou, Senior Product Designer and Creator, TRUTH, TRUST, AND HOPE | 107
From page 108...
... design 10:00–11:00am Mis- and Disinformation in Latin America: The Public, the Media, the Science Hosted by Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research Virtual Session Mis- and disinformation regarding scientific facts are widespread in social media, regular media, and daily life around the world. In Latin America, there is limited research on the topic, and limited public and private resources are dedicated to understand mechanisms, counteract fake news and misleading information, and provide related guidance or guidelines.
From page 109...
... This session shared the context in which this new model operates as an inclusive, transdisciplinary, transboundary, multisectorial learning experience for early-career researchers to cultivate practical power skills and create an international science-policy community of practice. Moderator: Kim Portmess, STeP Fellowship Program Consultant, IAI/ Instituto Interamericano para la Investigación del Cambio Global Speakers: Marcella Ohira, Deputy Executive Director, IAI TRUTH, TRUST, AND HOPE | 109
From page 110...
... In addition to learning how to edit Wikipedia, attendees heard about the Analysis Responses Toolkit for Trust, an interactive tool that incorporates Wikipedia and other sources to help people engage in trust building ways when discussing vaccine efficacy and other topics online. Moderator: Ariel Cetrone, Institutional Partnerships Manager, Wikimedia District of Columbia 1:00–2:00 pm Scientific Media Literacy in K–12 Education Hosted by Media Literacy Now Virtual Session 110 | NOBEL PRIZE SUMMIT
From page 111...
... Participants also examined the specific need for media literacy in K–12 science classes and specifics on how it works, as well as barriers to implementing media literacy and progress in development of an alliance of stakeholders in science education and K–12 education in the United States that would address those barriers. Moderator: Alicia Haywood, Founder and Executive Director, The iSpeakMedia Foundation Speakers: Michael Spikes, Lecturer and Director, Teach for Chicago Journalism, Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University Katie Coppens, Award-winning science teacher at Falmouth Middle School, Maine Erin McNeill, Founder and President, Media Literacy Now TRUTH, TRUST, AND HOPE | 111

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