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Pages 185-202

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From page 185...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics CHAPTER 8 ATM IMPLEMENTATION AND DEPLOYMENT Chapter Highlights and Objectives The implementation stage of an active traffic management (ATM) deployment results from the culmination of a coordinated systems planning and design effort.
From page 186...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Project Delivery Considerations for ATM Construction and implementation for ATM can involve building and installing specific ATM components on an established facility, such as a freeway or arterial, or implementing ATM elements as part of a larger construction or facility expansion/rehabilitation effort. In the latter scenario where the ATM components are integrated into a larger civil engineering construction package, agency staff responsible for the ATM elements may need to play a larger role as part of the overall construction coordination and project management effort to help align technology infrastructure procurement, systems procurement, and system testing and integration activities within the broader project schedule (Kuhn et al.
From page 187...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Table 8-1. Alternate project delivery methods (Source: Kuhn et al.
From page 188...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics services) , would typically be handled by the owning agency, in a DB approach, that team may play a larger role than traditional contractors.
From page 189...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics the concessionaire operating with certain financial motives (e.g., to generate revenue sufficient to finance borrowing costs and/or to generate an operating profit)
From page 190...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics regime applies to both technology items, such as signs and communications, as well as non-technology items, such as conduits and foundations. Procurement documents should clearly specify testing expectations prior to technology delivery.
From page 191...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics including involving appropriate stakeholders in the early planning and concept development stages. The types and levels of engagement of various stakeholders will be determined by the ATM strategy being implemented.
From page 192...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics familiarize the public with the new system and system features. These partners and the recommended activities of each are presented in Table 8-2.
From page 193...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics • Proactive, frequent, transparent communications with clear and unambiguous progress reporting. • Development and maintenance of thorough documentation through delivery of as-built plans.
From page 194...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Operational challenges and issues can also be discussed, with potential solutions suggested by the participants. This partnership helps keep agencies informed and actively engages participation in future ATM related projects.
From page 195...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics document highlights the key systems engineering steps, including the development of the Concept of Operations and Requirements, which outlines the core planning and design steps to define ATM software needs and capabilities. Engaging the right stakeholders in these processes will help ensure that multiple perspectives on software and system needs, functions, and capabilities are captured prior to embarking on an implementation effort.
From page 196...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Systems and software engineering -- Life cycle processes -- Requirements engineering (ISO/IEC/IEEE 2018)
From page 197...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Schedule Considerations Schedules are critical on any project, but ATM projects involve a complexity of coordination that increases the criticality of the schedule for an effective delivery. A traditional freeway-focused ITS project can experience a delay with minimal or no impact on the day-to-day operations of the facility.
From page 198...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics tangible civil elements. In some instances, the technology and civil components of an ATM project may be managed by different groups and on completely different schedules, with ad hoc coordination throughout the process.
From page 199...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics • The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) built new software for the I-15 ATM system in Las Vegas and included a test corridor so that operators could become familiar with the ATM system capabilities prior to fully launching the system (Schroeder 2020)
From page 200...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics where similar strategies are being implemented. State DOTs in Ohio and Minnesota use the term Smart Lanes for their ATM corridors.
From page 201...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics and whether travelers have changed their route as a result of the information being displayed. More than 400 people responded to the survey and the responses were generally positive (Gaisser and Schilling 2023)
From page 202...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics _ITS_projects.pdf. Accessed September 2023.

Key Terms

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