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2 The National Marine Fisheries Service Mandate for Equity
Pages 19-32

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From page 19...
... The chapter begins with the concepts of both the subjects of and criteria for equity considerations, and then presents an understanding of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) mandate for, and understanding of, equity as contained within the Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA)
From page 20...
... The variety of criteria, all of which are "equally justifiable both in ethical and operative terms" (Pascual et al., 2010) , highlights the challenges of achieving distributional equity; what is deemed "fair" by fisheries managers may not be perceived as fair to all or a subset of fishers or to others affected by fishery management decisions.
From page 21...
... . As another example, gendered knowledge of the environment or the local knowledge of particular resource users, such as active commercial, subsistence, or recreational fishermen who may be non-Indigenous are also recognized as legitimate and valuable forms of knowledge that should be taken into account in fishery management and decision-making (NPFMC, 2023; see also Belisle et al., 2018)
From page 22...
... What kinds of knowledge are most relevant? Procedural equity draws broadly on principles or best practices for the inclusive and effective participation of all relevant individuals and groups.
From page 23...
... This is particularly true in the most recent executive orders on strengthening Tribal consultation processes and racial equity, and in agency documents, such as the NMFS Equity and Environmental Justice Strategy (EEJS)
From page 24...
... The MSA defines the framework for management of federal fisheries (Figure 2-3) and establishes a regional approach to fisheries management through eight regional fishery management councils.
From page 25...
... The lower portion focuses on the establishment, allocation, and administration of permits via fishery management plans. ABC = allowable biological catch; NMFS = National Marine Fisheries Service; SSC = Science and Statistical Committee.
From page 26...
... minimize bycatch and (b) to the extent bycatch cannot be avoided, minimize the mortality of such bycatch." National Standard 10 – Safety of Life at Sea "Conservation and management measures shall, to the extent practicable, promote the safety of human life at sea." SOURCE: Excerpted from National Marine Fisheries Service, see national-standard-guidelines.
From page 27...
... Furthermore, two additional government guidance documents are relevant to the consideration of environmental justice: federal guidance from the White House Council on Environmental Quality on Indigenous Knowledge and the Department of Commerce Environmental Justice Strategy. 3The committee recognizes that revisions to the guidance documents for some national standards, including National Standard 4, are underway.
From page 28...
... The document also states NMFS's intention to make these benefits accessible to underserved communities and to advance racial equity and provide economic opportunities to these communities. The NMFS EEJS identifies underserved communities as a central subject of equity concerns, describing them as sharing either a geographic location or "characteristics, history, or identity." Executive Orders 12898 and 14008 reference similar and overlapping terms such as minority and low-income communities and/or disadvantaged communities.
From page 29...
... In addition to the NMFS EEJS, several recent executive orders, Presidential Memorandums, and related policy directives reaffirm the federal government's trust responsibility to federally recognized Tribes, to address past harms, and make clear that the impacts of federal fisheries policy on Tribes requires additional and explicit consideration beyond NEPA social and environmental impact analyses and MSA requirements (see, e.g., example Executive Order 13175, Presidential Memorandum of November 5, 2009 [Tribal Consultation] , Presidential Memorandum of January 26, 2021 [Tribal Consultation and Strengthening Nation-toNation Relationships]
From page 30...
... EXAMPLES OF EQUITY CONSIDERATIONS IN FISHERIES The global fisheries and marine policy literature provides many useful examples of how the equity dimensions, subjects, criteria, and contexts introduced above have been conceptualized and applied in fisheries management. Examples highlighted below from the United States and other countries evidence different ways equity has been defined and considered in fisheries.
From page 31...
... The equity considerations centered in the NMFS's EEJS and recent executive orders, including the focus on "underserved communities," can both complement and challenge current approaches. FINDING 2-5: The fishery and marine policy literature provides numerous examples of how dimensions of equity interrelate and can inform future approaches to defining and accounting for equity in fisheries.

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