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Memorial Tributes Volume 20 (2016) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Pages 198-203

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From page 199...
... Toshio Mura, second son of Shinzo and Chie Fujii, was born in Ono, a small port village of Kanazawa, the capital of Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, on December 7, 1925. Among the locals, the Fujiis are well known as brewers, having a long history in the area.
From page 200...
... As a graduate student, Mura also began his teaching career as a mathematics professor at Meiji University, where he met and worked with his lifelong friend, Nobuo Kinoshita. Their joint paper, "On the Boundary Value Problem of Elasticity," which was published during his tenure at Meiji University (1956)
From page 201...
... The dislocation density and flux tensors were applied to continuum plasticity theory. Believing that a stress appearing within the framework of continuum plasticity was the sum of external and dislocation stresses, Mura published a series of papers, in the late 1960s, along these lines that emphasized the distribution and stress of dislocations (1967, 1968)
From page 202...
... In 1992 he received the Materials and Mechanics Award from the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, for his contributions to modeling in applied mechanics. In 1998 he was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon by Emperor Akihito, Japan.
From page 203...
... Mori published in Micromechanics and Inhomogeneity: The Toshio Mura 65th Anniversary Volume by G.J.

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