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Executive Summary
Pages 2-5

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From page 2...
... The dynamic changes being driven by these and other environmental, public health, and socioeconomic forces require reassessing the role of transportation in addressing societal challenges and the research that informs the choices that society will need to make in 2024 and the coming years. For this edition of Critical Issues in Transportation, the Transportation Research Board's Executive Committee chose to focus on five vitally important societal goals to meet these major challenges facing society: 1.
From page 3...
... Thriving Society Economy Climate Safety Public Health Equity Movement of People and Goods Infrastructure Systems Funding Governance Land Use Workforce Innovation and Finance Societal Goals Transportation Foundational Factors and Policy Levers FIGURE 1 Transportation's role in achieving societal goals and dependence on foundational factors and policy levers. 3 | critical issues in transportation for 2024 and beyond
From page 4...
... Technological innovations have created the opportunity to significantly reduce transportation's reliance on fossil fuels by allowing for the transition, for most vehicle types, to clean electric power without increasing the cost of the electricity for charging batteries or of vehicle ownership and operation. If successful, this energy transition and the resulting reduced vehicle emissions will have substantial public health and environmental justice benefits.
From page 5...
... The transportation research community can help address this problem by documenting and spreading information about acceptable innovations and practices that work. Fragmented governance and land use policies may well be integral to the United States due to its history, culture, and forms of government.

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