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Appendix A: Agendas 2021 Workshop Series on Indoor Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Practical Mitigation Approaches
Pages 227-232

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From page 227...
... Appendix A Agendas – 2021 Workshop Series on Indoor Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Practical Mitigation Approaches April 14 Webinar – Sources of Indoor Fine Particulate Matter Welcome; Workshop and Session Goals 11:00 am Richard Corsi, PhD, PE – Planning Committee Chair Sponsor remarks Jonathan Edwards 11:10 am Director, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency SESSION I: OUTDOOR SOURCES OF INDOOR PARTICULATE MATTER Introduction of session speakers 11:15 am Kimberly Prather, PhD – Session Moderator and Planning Committee Member Indoor Particulate Matter of Outdoor Origin and the Disparities in Sources and Exposures Across Communities 11:20 am Cesunica Ivey, PhD Assistant Professor, Chemical/Environmental Engineering, University of California, Riverside Outdoor-to-Indoor Transport Mechanisms and Particle Penetration for Fine Particulate Matter 11:40 am Brent Stephens, PhD Professor and Department Chair, Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology Outdoor Particulate Matter Sources and the Chemical Transformations that Take Place When They Interact with the Indoor Environment 12:00 pm Delphine Farmer, PhD Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Colorado State University Roundtable Discussion 12:20 am Session speakers and Planning Committee Members 12:45 am Break 227
From page 228...
... Lunsford Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech The Influence of Sources of Indoor Fine Particulate Matter on the Characterization of Exposure and Evaluation of Health Effects 2:00 pm Andrea Ferro, PhD Professor / ISE Associate Director for Research, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Clarkson University Roundtable Discussion 2:20 pm Session speakers and Planning Committee Members Session wrap-up and preview of upcoming webinars 2:50 pm Kimberly Prather, PhD – Session Moderator and Planning Committee Member 3:00 pm Session adjourns
From page 229...
... McCauley, PhD, RN, FAAN, FAAOHN – Comoderators 12:50 pm Break SESSION II: INDOOR EXPOSURE TO PARTICULATE MATTER: METRICS AND ASSESSMENT Introduction of session speakers 1:00 pm Elizabeth Matsui, MD, MHS – Session Moderator and Planning Committee member
From page 230...
... Chan, PhD – Session Moderator and Planning Committee member Fine Particulate Matter Filtration and Air Cleaning in Residential Environments 11:15 am Jeffrey Siegel, PhD Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto Fine Particulate Matter Exposure Control in Schools 11:35 am Elliott Gall, PhD
From page 231...
... Chan, PhD – Session Moderator and Planning Committee member Portable Indoor Air Cleaners and Human Behavior Stuart Batterman, PhD 1:05 pm Professor, Environmental Health Sciences and Global Public Health, University of Michigan School of Public Health How Building Occupants Interpret and Respond to Indoor Air Quality Sensor Data 1:25 pm Lindsay Graham, PhD Research Specialist, Center for the Built Environment, University of California, Berkeley Public Health Responses to Reduce Community Exposure to Indoor Fine Particulate Matter 1:45 pm Sarah Coefield, MS, MA Air Quality Specialist, Missoula City-County Health Department Moderated roundtable discussion 2:05 pm Session speakers and Planning Committee members Wanyu (Rengie) Chan, PhD and Seema Bhangar, PhD – Comoderators Workshop summary and closing reflections 2:40 pm Richard Corsi, PhD, PE – Planning Committee Chair 2:55 pm Workshop concludes
From page 232...
... 2022. Indoor exposure to fine particulate matter and practical mitigation approaches: Proceedings of a workshop.

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