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Pages 233-248

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From page 233...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics CHAPTER 10 LEARNING FROM ATM DEPLOYMENTS Chapter Highlights and Objectives Within any discussion regarding the next steps in transportation planning and development, input from current operational deployments is a critical need. Indeed, a key concept behind active traffic management (ATM)
From page 234...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics • Ongoing monitoring and longer-term evaluations. Briefly overviews short- and long-term monitoring as well as benefit-cost analyses and qualitative assessments.
From page 235...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics In general, after an ATM strategy is deployed, evaluation is used to assess how well the goals and ATM evaluation results can objectives of the project are being met. The goals and objectives of the ATM project should have been clearly be used not only by the stated during the project planning process, and specific project partners for continual objectives should be measurable.
From page 236...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics By developing an analysis framework, an agency can plan data collection activities, rather than piece together potentially incomplete data a year or more after the project is deployed. An effective evaluation will look at conditions before and after the deployment of the ATM strategy to better measure the impacts of the strategy.
From page 237...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics safety. Separating the impacts due to exogenous factors can be challenging, especially because the impacts of the ATM deployment may be smaller by comparison.
From page 238...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Benefit-Cost Analysis Quantifying and reporting benefits does not need to be overly complex and will likely employ similar data and techniques as those data and methods used for analyzing traditional ITS and operations. However, it is important for agencies to develop specific reports that are appropriate for various target audiences.
From page 239...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics personnel can report observations made in the field. By monitoring cameras during incidents, operators can see how drivers respond to the signage and find ways to improve responses for a better, more desirable response to a given scenario.
From page 240...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics operations. Archived data is essential for agencies to make informed decisions and design choices when planning which ATM strategies need to be implemented.
From page 241...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Connected Vehicles/Infrastructure Connected vehicles are another emerging data source that could greatly benefit transportation agencies implementing ATM strategies because they provide more accurate information relating to driver and vehicle behaviors on the road, as well as location-specific information. Connected vehicles use wireless communication and the vehicle's on-board computer system to communicate directly with the infrastructure or other vehicles.
From page 242...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics dynamic speed limits. For example, they can help improve response to incidents, identification of hazard and warning on roads, issuance of speed warnings to drivers due to heavy traffic or dangerous weather conditions, accuracy of travel time messages, and detection of traffic infrastructure equipment failures or malfunctions.
From page 243...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics be processed in real-time. These processes allow data to be output directly to transportation agencies in the form of usable performance metrics and performance dashboards.
From page 244...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics support ATM functionality in a CV environment (Stephens et al.
From page 245...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics continuing public support, operations and maintenance needs over time, software integration, and many more can also provide significant lessons learned for operating agencies. This information can be very valuable to the expansion of an ATM strategy to additional corridors and locations, along with the integration of continually evolving technologies.
From page 246...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) Highway Loss Data Institute.
From page 247...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics Ullman, G., J Schroeder, and D
From page 248...
... PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT -- Unedited Text and Graphics

Key Terms

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