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6 Preparing Students Through Internships, Professional Development, and Mentorship
Pages 25-28

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From page 25...
... The session included flash talks highlighting different examples of technical and skilled trade programs, which were followed by a panel discussion on what makes a successful experience that best prepares their students for careers in mineral resources fields. FIELD TRAINING FOR MINING AND SAFETY TRADE SKILLS Bill Bieber, Mining Petroleum Training Service for the University of Alaska Fairbanks, described his organization's primarily noncredit programs providing hands-on experience in mining and oil and gas development.
From page 26...
... The society's professional development programs include multiple traveling lecturer programs through which universities around the world can request visits from experts who give talks about various aspects of economic geology, as well as webinar series to provide an online and globally accessible option for tapping into this expertise. The society's mentorship program connects senior or midcareer scientists with students and others seeking mentorship.
From page 27...
... "We don't just want to support students, we want to support their transition from students into the workforce," he said. "That early-career professional piece is really valuable." INDUSTRY-LED INTERNSHIPS AND PROGRAMS Dan Pearson, Coeur Mining, described programs and partnerships to enhance early career engagement and professional development at Coeur, a Chicago-based precious metals company primarily mining gold and silver.
From page 28...
... Fellowship and Career Development Grant program has been, noting that at least five former recipients were among the participants of the workshop. "To say that this had an impact on the educational landscape would be a drastic understatement," he said.

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