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Closing Discussion
Pages 27-30

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From page 27...
... Landi noted that One Health was originally called "One Medicine" and focused more on human health, although another participant added that medicine is only one aspect of One Health, which encompasses many interrelated scientific advancements, differing values, and group behaviors that are intertwined with public health. Hatfield asked how veterinarians can join and influence public conversations around research with animals, and Brake replied that laboratory animal veterinarians can help to forge connections with other types of veterinarians, many of whom communicate with the public daily, by sharing how their work benefits animals and people.
From page 28...
... Landi agreed, noting that different countries have their own animal care regulations, and added that international groups, such as the World Organisation for Animal Health, formerly the Office International des Epizooties, promote core animal welfare principles. Increasing Openness Across the Research Spectrum Returning to a theme from many workshop discussions, participants shared several ideas for increasing openness.
From page 29...
... France suggested that scientists could consider initiating personal conversations about their work with family and friends; Yates agreed, noting that social movements often are built on personal communication. WORKSHOP CONCLUSION Huang thanked all those who took part in the workshop: the presenters, planning committee members, National Academies staff, and attendees.
From page 30...
... 2022. Openness about animal research increases public support.

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