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Pages 3-5

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From page 3...
... NCHRP LRD 91 3 MULTISTATE COORDINATION AND HARMONIZATION FOR AV LEGISLATION Lisa Loftus-Otway and Susanna Gallun, Center for Transportation Research at the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX INTRODUCTION A Project Purpose and Work Approach This project was commissioned to provide guidance for multi state coordination and harmonization for Automated Vehicle (AV)
From page 4...
... 4 NCHRP LRD 91 Figure 1: Interplay between federal and state domains for AVs Federal Domain • Vehicle Safety Standards • Interstate Commerce • Interstate/International Mobility • Cybersecurity • Product Liability • Privacy • Communication • Interstate Law Enforcement • Federal Agency Roles & Responsibilities State Domain • Registration • Driver Licensing • Vehicle Inspection • Personal Injury • Personal Liability • Vehicle and Driver Insurance • Traffic Laws: Civil and Criminal • Law Enforcement • State Agency Roles & Responsibilities Table 1: Definitions: Conflict, Barrier, and Harmonization. Term Merriam-Webster Black's Law Dictionary World Law Dictionary Conflict Noun: competitive or opposing action of incompatibles: antagonistic state or action (as of divergent ideas, interests, or persons)
From page 5...
... NCHRP LRD 91 5 • Providing a platform for a network effect to function effectively for A-Maas use cases and transit provision and offering mobility equity options to consumers by facilitating the deployment of AVs; • Ensuring vulnerable road users7 are taken into consideration in developing legislation and regulations. There are, however, potential shortcomings from harmonization, which flow-out from the nascent nature of this technology which is still evolving.

Key Terms

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