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4 Addressing Decadal Survey Priorities with the Notional Platform: A High-Level Summary
Pages 31-40

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From page 31...
... The committee notes that the greatest potential for the notional platform could be the ability to expedite instrument technology demonstration and incubator projects that may otherwise struggle to find opportunities for deployment in space given relative priorities compared to other parts of the NASA ESD portfolio, such as Earth System Explorers and Earth Venture. Instrument demonstration and incubator projects can often benefit from operation in space with orbits that are not necessarily optimized for science but offer opportunities to retire risk and advance sensor technology and retrieval algorithms.
From page 32...
... Part of the reason why that orbital configuration is useful is global hydrological cycle radiometer because of the international and Department of Defense partnerships -- together and understanding they effectively give 4–6 hour refresh. contributing processes, including cloud feedback Mass Change Large-scale Earth Spacecraft ranging With current technology, this measurement requires two spacecraft flying in dynamics measured by the measurement of gravity orbits much lower than the notional platform.
From page 33...
... Surface Earth surface dynamics InSAR with ionospheric The primary method for measuring surface deformation and change is InSAR Deformation and from earthquakes and correction interferometry. This is an active microwave method that scans the surface of the Change landslides to ice sheets and solid Earth (or ice)
From page 34...
... to map the freeboard of the floating Arctic sea ice as well as to of land ice to assess sea map the land ice elevation over the entire Antarctic continent. The revisit time level contributions and should be 7 days to 1 month.
From page 35...
... . globally and with high DIAL operating on one of the spatial resolution ozone lines in UV and a near window Snow Depth and Snow depth and snow Radar (Ka/Ku band)
From page 36...
... ESA's Aeolus mission uses a direct detection UV laser lidar, which required placement in a very low altitude (~320 km) orbit (SSO with an early morning crossing time (dawn dusk)
From page 37...
... and COWVR, which is operating on the ISS, have demonstrated this technique for measuring ocean surface wind vectors. However, the presence of significant cloud liquid water presents significant challenges for the passive polarimetric technique and thus limits its utility in supporting operational marine weather forecasting and warning.i Planetary Diurnal 3D PBL Microwave, hyperspectral IR To meet the objectives, a combination of space-based and in situ measurement Boundary Layer thermodynamic properties sounder(s)
From page 38...
... . "UNALLOCATED" Radiance Inter- Climate sensitivity Pan-spectral, spectrally resolved Noting heritage to CLARREO, ESAS 2017 decadal survey states, "Best achieved calibration high accuracy SI-traceablek by seeking lower-cost options, such as Venture-Continuity, to enable multi-decade (One of seven Inter-calibration of in- radiance continuity of this important measurement." The committee notes the potential high-priority flight radiometers utility of the notional platform as a host for instruments selected as part of Targeted NASA's Earth Venture, with the EV-C strand being of particular interest.
From page 39...
... and international partners to develop an international strategy for obtaining and sharing those measurements."b a NASA Earth Science Division, "Decadal Survey," b National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM)

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